Richard Benwell Profile picture
CEO, Wildlife & Countryside Link, for #wildlife, animal #welfare and #wellbeing. @WCL_News. Chair, #Oxfordshire Local Nature Partnership.
Mar 13 12 tweets 4 min read
Nature recovery & development can go hand-in-hand and Ministers have taken strides toward that approach.

But the #PlanningBill must do much more to live up to the promise. Here are some of the major amendments we'll be proposing. We hope Government will accept them.🧵1/12 Image Local Authorities have long struggled with vague duties to be nice to nature.

The #PlanningBill should oblige Authorities to make policy & decisions in line with #ClimateChange Act & #EnvironmentAct targets, with guidance on how much each must contribute to national goals.🧵2/12 Image
Mar 16, 2022 12 tweets 7 min read
Government has published proposals for new #nature targets. It's good to see the 2030 #StateofNature target to halt #wildlife decline recognised as an apex goal. Thanks to all who campaigned with us.

But overall the proposals aren't yet strong enough:… In particular, on biodiversity, the long-term target for wildlife (10% increase on 2030 baseline by 2042) could see species abundance *lower* in 20 years' time than it is today.

That's not in line with the Government's 25 Year Plan promise to pass on #nature in better condition.
Jun 14, 2021 7 tweets 6 min read
The Government response to the #SternReview was the #ClimateChangeAct: domestic action on #ClimateChange.

Its response to the #DasguptaReview starts with a promise on international biodiversity that HMG can't deliver. A better response would be to halt #nature's decline at home. Of course, it should also commit to reducing the UK's #GlobalFootprint as a way to contribute to the international biodiversity crisis.
May 18, 2021 7 tweets 7 min read
This is a tremendous step forward:…

If it's designed well, this target could power the policy & investment needed to turn round the decline of #nature at last.

Thank you to everyone who has joined the #StateofNature campaign! Keep going until it's in law. It has been brilliant to see the #environment movement unite for this critical law for wildlife, combining @WCL_News members with great friends like @Team4Nature & @mentalhealth.

Thank you @DefraGovUK for listening to the 60+ charities and 160,000+ people backing #StateofNature.