Demographer, UN Population Fund 🇺🇳 Civil Registration & Vital Statistics, Demography of Armed Conflict, Human Rights, Population Data in Humanitarian Settings
Sep 29, 2020 • 12 tweets • 19 min read
@jonmarsk Indeed, @jonmarsk, we do not know the true scale of COVID-19 mortality and it will take time, much more and better quality data, and careful research to better clarify #COVID-19’s overall mortality impact. #poptwitter (1/11)
@jonmarsk N.B. demographers r still studying the nature + extent of the 1918 flu pandemic. Death reg today, whilst still incomplete & deficient in many countries, is better than 100 yrs ago. But the wide range + uncertainty assoc. w/ 1918 flu pandemic deaths shld give us much pause. (2/11)
Aug 3, 2020 • 9 tweets • 10 min read
Early-career demographers! Excellent paid + mentored opportunities in vital statistics + demography to advance #CRVS + #genderequality. Int'l posts in #NYC, Panama + Guinea. Apply today! These posts are part of the ConVERGE Initiative
ConVERGE Initiative = Connecting Vital Events Registration and Gender Equality. Jointly convened by @UNFPA + @IDRC_CRDI See for the work that we are advancing... Great opportunity to get experience with a @UN Agency on #vital#statistics Apply by Aug 14!