«Genova, 118...»
«Presto, incidente gravissimo. Porto di Genova, la torretta... della
capitaneria... e dei rimorchiatori è crollata!»
«Allora, siete nella torretta della capitaneria? Mi dica cosa è successo».
«Una nave. Eh... Ha sbagliato manovra...»
«Una nave... (1/7)
...ha sbagliato manovra e ha picchiato den... Madonna!
Ha picchiato dentro la banchina?»
«Sì, sììì! La nave dei Messina. Nave dei Messina, durante la manovra
per partire, eh... non so cosa sia successo, è andata a picchiar
dentro». (2/7)
This #news was broadcasted live by the Swedish public tv @SVT on the 12th of April morning show.
The headline: “Theory: mafia stirs part of the vaccination plan”.
Why in #Italy no-one had the #scoop?
Simple: it's #FakeNews /thread
But how Sveriges Television could mislead his public stating the mafia control @Palazzo_Chigi's vaccination campaign.
Correspondent from Italy @JenniferWegerup answers this is no news to Italians, because they largely expected it.
As they all live in the Godfather's Corleone.
Mar 25, 2021 • 9 tweets • 6 min read
Hi, my name is Maersk Denver and I am the most unlucky container #ship in the world.
Why? Because I am the ship that famous photo of #EverGiven aground in the #Suez Canal was taken from.
I was a couple of week far from my destination when Julianne Cona shot it.
Thread 🚢
She is one of our marine engineer.
And, yes, she is a #woman.
By the way I think you should definetely thank Julianne for letting the #world#economy know they were f*cked, in the exact moment it happened.
I am starting: thanks to make us famous, J!
But I was telling you...