Sandro Di Domenico Profile picture
Pescirossi & Pescicani 🐠⚓️🦈 Writer @MinimumFax ✍️ 📨
May 7, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
«Genova, 118...»
«Presto, incidente gravissimo. Porto di Genova, la torretta... della
capitaneria... e dei rimorchiatori è crollata!»
«Allora, siete nella torretta della capitaneria? Mi dica cosa è successo».
«Una nave. Eh... Ha sbagliato manovra...»
«Una nave... (1/7) ...ha sbagliato manovra e ha picchiato den... Madonna!
Ha picchiato dentro la banchina?»
«Sì, sììì! La nave dei Messina. Nave dei Messina, durante la manovra
per partire, eh... non so cosa sia successo, è andata a picchiar
dentro». (2/7)
Apr 14, 2021 7 tweets 6 min read

This #news was broadcasted live by the Swedish public tv @SVT on the 12th of April morning show.
The headline: “Theory: mafia stirs part of the vaccination plan”.

Why in #Italy no-one had the #scoop?
Simple: it's #FakeNews /thread But how Sveriges Television could mislead his public stating the mafia control @Palazzo_Chigi's vaccination campaign.

Correspondent from Italy @JenniferWegerup answers this is no news to Italians, because they largely expected it.
As they all live in the Godfather's Corleone. Francis Ford Coppola "The Godfather" movie cover
Mar 25, 2021 9 tweets 6 min read
Hi, my name is Maersk Denver and I am the most unlucky container #ship in the world.

Why? Because I am the ship that famous photo of #EverGiven aground in the #Suez Canal was taken from.

I was a couple of week far from my destination when Julianne Cona shot it.

Thread 🚢 She is one of our marine engineer.
And, yes, she is a #woman.

By the way I think you should definetely thank Julianne for letting the #world #economy know they were f*cked, in the exact moment it happened.

I am starting: thanks to make us famous, J!
But I was telling you...