We are an international movement. We want safe passages and an end of the criminalisation of civil sea rescue. German: @_seebruecke_
May 25, 2021 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
One year ago today, #GeorgeFloyd was violently killed by a police officer in the USA. Our thoughts are with his family and friends and we mourn this loss with them. #BlackLivesMatter
This killing was not an isolated incident, but the symptom of a structural problem: it is called #racism! Just yesterday it was reported that #BlackLivesMatter activist #SashaJohnson from the UK was shot and her life is in danger.
Feb 11, 2021 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
A report published today by the NGO @teammareliberum documents violent #pushbacks in the Aegean Sea on an alarming scale.
Foto: Louisa Gouliamaki/AFP/Getty Images
Based on the analysis of many witness statements, the accounts of those affected, &human rights monitoring on the ground, @teammareliberum was able to reconstruct 321 cases in 2020 in which a total of 9,798 people were pushed back to Turkey with physical &psychological violence.
Feb 10, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
The UN organizations IOM and UNHCR call on the EU to end illegal pushbacks, violence against refugees and collective deportations at the EU's external borders. The organizations report massive human rights abuses at EU borders, including physical violence, abuse and worse.
The policy of #Seehofer, #Kurz and Co. has failed and was designed from the beginning to impose a policy of closure at the expense of human rights.