Sharang Biswas Profile picture
Games, interactive theatre, writing, art. @IndieCade winner, @SFWA member. Words: @eurogamer, @strangehorizons, @LightspeedMag. Cover: @landonrage
May 7, 2022 16 tweets 6 min read
A thread of D&D character classes as sex toys:

[Explicit] “Deeper,” the BARBARIAN grunts.

You gingerly oblige.

“Harder!” he roars.

You hesitate. “You sure?”

“Fuck, yeah!” he says. “I want you to make me scream your name so all the hells can hear it!”
Dec 15, 2021 16 tweets 6 min read
Because I just got back from PAX, why not:

How does each D&D character class kiss?

A thread:
#dnd 1) The Barbarian's bite is ferocious.

You relish the salty tang of your blood mingled with hers. You think of everyone else she has ever kissed and perhaps you can taste them too?
Jan 31, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
I just saw a comment on DriveThruRPG complaining about the price of an RPG because of its low wordcount...

Do people know how much human effort goes into even one line of rules?

[Small thread]
#gamedesign #TTRPG Take the 800 word RPG that @OneShotRPG commissioned me to make in 1 month.

Conceptualizing alone took days.

I did 5 playtests. That’s 25-30 person-hours of work. Then feedback.

I did a bunch of pseudo-playtests, just running the ideas by folks or making math models.
Oct 30, 2019 9 tweets 5 min read
I'm getting my undergrads to make tiny RPG/storytelling games in the style of the @200WordRPG challenge, and to prep, we're looking at (and playing some) in class. A small thread for those interested in teaching games!
#teaching #gamedesign @gshowitt's Mechanical Oryx. One of the more dice-heavy games in the challenge. A soft intro since we've played @john_harper's Lasers & Feelings. It'll show them the use of different dice, and how a few, choice prompts can create a weird world…