Swiss Comedian/Singer. Cis/heteroflexible White man. He/Him Married to a wonderful Nonbinary individual.
Sometimes i stream.
Feb 17, 2019 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
(Thread) If you ever ask yourself why i simply block Vicstans instead of talking to them.
Apparently #Pensacon received a death- and bombthreat from one fucked up psychopath and now they polish their tinfoil hats to convince themselves it was a #kickvic false flag operation.
Logic has left their thinking a long time ago. Instead of even allowing the simple idea, that Vic might be guilty of enough of the allegations to Warrant him getting fired and banned they believe conspiracy theories that get more stupid by the second.
Feb 14, 2019 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
I'll try to stop being so involved in this topic after this weekend. I got more important things to do in my life.
But i still wanted to dissect this "apology"... Or "nonpology" for that matter.
"My desire has always been to show appreciation, warmth and acceptance to fans of my work."
This means. "All i did was being nice"
Sep 24, 2018 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Mal wieder was politisches.
Ich mache mir ernsthaft Sorgen um die Zukunft Deutschlands.
Wir haben eine #CDU die nach der Pfeife der Regionalpartei #CSU tanzt. #Seehofer argumentiert und politisiert auf dem Niveau einer AFD um Stimmen zu bekommen und merkt dabei nicht,
dass er somit die #AFD legitimiert und CSU-Stimmen an die AFD verkauft. Oder er plant dies sogar.
Auf der anderen Seiten haben wir eine #SPD unter #Nahles die dermassen darauf fixiert ist ihren Rest an politischer Macht zu behalten, dass sie nur noch Lakai ist.