CTO and co founder of Clootrack Developing AI for Product Insights. Clootrack is the world's fastest market research and insights platform . https://t.co/7jl3gRhUDh
Mar 13, 2024 • 32 tweets • 10 min read
Decided to do a 30 day mosques of Bangalore for #ramadan. Starting with a lovely little one in Jayanagar 6th Block. I see this out of my window every day, has the sweetest voiced #muzzein Day 1 Masjid E Ammar 6th Block Jayanagar
Pics: somer personal, some from the internet
Day2 #Ramzan2024 The Jamia Masjid on Kazi Street, Basavanagudi, closest to my heart, grew up near it. have tons of friends in and around the area. Played in its halls too
Oct 25, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
The only reason #RishiSunak is causing paroxyms of joy is because he is #uppercaste and #Hindu here is a list of other Indian origin PMs and in "white palce"
Leo Varadkar Ireland
Pravind Jugnauth Mauratius
Kamla Persad-Bissessar Trinidad & Tobago
Mahendra Chaudhry - Fiji
Bharrat Jagdeo- PM Guyana
Cheddi Jagan - President Guyana
Donald Ramoatar- President Guyana
Moses Nagamootoo- PM Guyana
Irfan Ali - PM Guyana ( current)
Dayendranath Burrenchobay – former Governor-General of Mauritius
May 22, 2022 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
@nameshiv Very interesting story of Gama. He came, nay was invited to the old Mysore state for a series of exhibition matches. He said yes on the condition that he be given 45 days to prepare in Bangalore. He was a tenant in our old Bangalore Bungalow ( my great granddad was a forester)1/n
@nameshiv 2/n in the service of the State, so he let out his outhouse, bordering a Mohammedan Block, which in itself housed muslim officers of state. Our family being vegetarians had to let out the house on being asked, as it was next to a saw mill, a lake and a Mohammdan block
Sep 2, 2020 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
@anand_srini As discussed thought of doing a series on human stories of the economic and pandemic crisis. I will focus on what I see around and how it is hitting many people at all income levels 1/n
Young entrepreneur with young kids moves from Navsari Gujrat to Bangalore to open a office supplies, photocopying shop etc. Pledges jewels to start off, hit hard by no business, debt including rent piles up. leaves back for Navsari on scooter with wife and kids. Dead business 2/n
Jun 1, 2020 • 17 tweets • 4 min read
While everyone is at it, and tweeting #blacklivesmatter, and rightly so. Let me tell you a story that haunts me every single day. This began in the 1920's and tragically ended in 2002, though it continues even to this day. 1/n
My great grand dad retired to Bangalore and as was the custom in those days got a cleaner to cart away night soil at his new home. A young woman, ironically called Lakshmi, who might have been all of 13/14 joined the service, she was still working in our house age 85+ 2/n