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Oct 25th 2022
The only reason #RishiSunak is causing paroxyms of joy is because he is #uppercaste and #Hindu here is a list of other Indian origin PMs and in "white palce"
Leo Varadkar Ireland
Pravind Jugnauth Mauratius
Kamla Persad-Bissessar Trinidad & Tobago
Mahendra Chaudhry - Fiji
Bharrat Jagdeo- PM Guyana
Cheddi Jagan - President Guyana
Donald Ramoatar- President Guyana
Moses Nagamootoo- PM Guyana
Irfan Ali - PM Guyana ( current)
Dayendranath Burrenchobay – former Governor-General of Mauritius
Anerood Jugnauth – former prime minister
Pravind Jugnauth – current prime minister
Dev Manraj – former Financial Secretary
Abdool Razack Mohamed – one of the three founding fathers of independent Mauritius
Kailash Purryag – former president of Mauritius
Read 7 tweets
Apr 3rd 2016
Who is #DeltaMeghwal? A 17 year-old #Dalit student from Barmer, who was first raped by her PT teacher & then murdered by those involved.
First, she is sent to CLEAN her teacher's room. Why is a student sent to clean rooms? Because she is #Dalit & we must be shown 'our place'
The person sending her to 'clean' is none other than the hostel warden, the same person her parents trusted her safety with: #PriyaShukla
Read 17 tweets

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