Sune Auken #FBPEGlobal #BLM Profile picture
Gone into exile from the overwhelming Muskicity of twitter. Find me on Might return if things get better again.
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May 26, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
I'd like to take a minute to address the deployment of "Christian forgiveness" in the Downing Street Debauchery Debacle.

I ask my very good atheist friends to please forgive me for going full-on theologian on the topic. The point could basically be made without faith. 1/ But once faith enters into the picture - dragged in by the disingenuous defenders of the indefensible - those of us who profess to have faith are called to make a reply. So bear with me. 2/
May 14, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Since the border issue is up again, this note which I have made before.

Brexit can only be a success for the UK if there is an open border between the EU and the UK but without regulatory alignment. 1/ Because that would allow the UK to use the border as a giant backdoor into the single market without abiding by its rules and make a killing out of undercutting its standards. 2/
May 11, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
@EmporersNewC I think it's worth noting that even taken as a threat, this is a huge failure.

What we are dealing with here is a so-called conditional threat: Do this OR I will do that to you - i.e. Give me all the money you owe me, OR I'll beat you up. 1/ @EmporersNewC For a conditional threat to work (yep, it's a #genre thing) the consequence of non-compliance has to be worse than what the threatened party has to do to comply. 2/
Apr 1, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
I don't doubt that Boris Johnson is doing his best. In fact, I am sure of it.

However, unfortunately, his best is also his worst. And it's hugely damaging for the UK. 1/ I know it's his best, because he has neither the will nor the ability to change, much less improve. He will never get better. What you see now is what you get. It's his best. 2/
Mar 19, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
"A much more minor example of Brexiter desperation is that of a widely-mocked tweet by Paul Embery, the Lexiter trade unionist and writer. 1/ In it, he derided the EU’s sanctioning of 160 individuals in one day (compared with seven by the UK the same day), by saying that the EU’s total only “works out to six individuals per EU member state”. 2/
Feb 2, 2022 32 tweets 15 min read
@HanneTange1 @gaidheileamail1 Don't say I didn't warn you.

How do you address a knight?

- By his sir name, obviously. 1/ @HanneTange1 @gaidheileamail1 Which Knight of the Round Table always one due to fortunate circumstance?

- Sir Rendipity. 2/
Jan 12, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This is your daily reminder that you have millions of friends and allies in the EU.

Also, damn the mendacious grifters who will sell your life, your happiness, and your dignity for a day in the sun loitering with a posh BYOB crowd of equally mendacious grifters. Damn them all!
Nov 9, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
@CRGMurray I absolutely adore the expression "an imbalance of loss between it (the EU) and the UK". Does the author seriously suggest that the EU faced with the unilateral decision to withdraw by the UK should seek to take more of the loss incurred upon itself? 1/ @CRGMurray The anglocentrism here is staggering. Brexit is and remains a lose-lose. It's literally damage caused to the EU by the UK. But still the author flippantly assumes that it's somehow the EU's task to shoulder its supposedly fair share of the burden of loss. 2/
Oct 19, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Jeg ved ikke helt, hvem der har brug for at høre dette her, men i dagens anledning følgende:

1) Mobning er ikke en konflikt imellem to parter, men et overgreb, en part begår på en anden. 2) Mobning er altså ENsidigt. Det er mobberen og mobberen alene, der er ansvarlig. Hvis den mobbede kunne forhindre mobningen, ville mobningen ophøre.
Oct 11, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Jeg fik i morges meddelelsen om, at min specialevejleder Klaus Peter Mortensen (ofte bare kaldet "Klaus P.") døde i torsdags efter mange års svær sygdom.

Jeg ved ikke helt, om Twitter egner sig til mindeord. Men her er mit. 1/ Jeg husker ikke nogen anden skriveproces, der forløb så glat som mit specialeskriveri. Undervejs troede jeg, at det bare var, fordi jeg var en allerhelvedes karl, men sidenhen har det ofte slået mig, at forklaringen meget mere var Klaus' tilgang, end jeg opdagede dengang. 2/
Aug 14, 2021 14 tweets 2 min read
Jeg sidder i disse uger og skriver på et efterskrift til en formodet udgave fra et Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab af Christian Winthers "Fire Noveller" og "Digtninger" - begge fra 1843. 1/ Det går mig, som det har gået mig mange gange før, når jeg kom i nærheden af Winther. TIl at begynde med skramler det lidt inde i mit guldalderlager, og jeg ved ikke helt, hvorfor jeg er dér igen. 2/
Aug 9, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
This is your daily reminder that you have millions of friends and allies in the EU.

Also, #ClimateEmergency. Break climate silence when abnormal weather occurs; wildfires, heatwaves, floods. Say the word, always! If it only changes someone one cm that's reason enough to speak. Today's reminder is an almost verbatim quote from a lecture by @DoctorVive I heard the other day.
May 8, 2021 22 tweets 5 min read
We should have a number of discursive rules like this. So the below is number 1. Discursive rule nr. 2:

Nobody who calls themselves a "free speech advocate/warrior" is willing to accept free speech levelled at themselves.
Apr 7, 2021 12 tweets 7 min read
@tryberg @UltraPedel Hvad tillidskrisen angår, er det er værd at notere, at der eksisterer et asymmetrisk magtforhold. Politikerne har magt over forskerne, ikke vice versa. Forskerne kan i bogstaveligste forstand ikke tvinge politikerne til nogetsomhelst. Polikerne derimod kan tvinge forskerne. 1/ @tryberg @UltraPedel Samtidig er der en vidensmæssig asymmetri. Fagvidenskaben er grundlæggende for fagspecialister, og politikerne har ikke de faglige forudsætninger for at vurdere den. De fremsatte vurderinger ville falde døde til jorden, hvis de skulle klare sig på videnskabens præmisser. 2/
Apr 2, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
The last year has led me to a somewhat sad conclusion about racism. I’m noting it down here. Sorry, if this is completely obvious to you, but being in a position of privilege I sometimes have to think out loud to even get the basics. So here goes. 1/ Black Lives Matter … How can that possibly provoke anyone? Well, it has. We have had at least three different ”replies”: ”All Lives Matter”, ”Blue Lives Matter”, and even, on the deep deep right, ”White Lives Matter”. Each, of course, disingenuously missing the point. 2/
Mar 8, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
In the spirit of the #InternationalWomensDay here's a thread of blogposts I have done over the years with eminent women of genre research holding center stage. All but one are "random" as gender-political statements. They are simply me being impressed by my female colleagues. 1/ I'll pick them up chronologically from my blog. When I first started blogging I had to pay my dues to the best genre blog around. 2/…
Feb 15, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
This is your daily reminder that you have millions of friends and allies in the EU.

Also, can I just repeat what a great favor you do your country. The government's visage as the face of Britain has been one of lording arrogance. You show the world that Britain has another face. Interestingly the example provided by @MerriamWebster is in itself a case in point:
Jan 18, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
I have to tell you this little story about the best answer to the worst question I ever witnessed. It was two minute masterclass in educating stupidity. If only I could ever be that good. This is not strictly #ForeniscLinguistics, but it is something with language and law. 1/ I was at a public lecture about the concept of justice in the Danish legal system, and the lecturer was the Danish public Ombudsman at the time. Quite possibly the most silver-tongued person I ever met. 2/
Jan 8, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read
A little inpromptu lesson on one of the enlightening corners of #genrestudies. You'll see very soon why I use this particular tweet for the lesson. 1/ #AnneFreadman is well known among #genre researchers for her insistence on seeing genre as a loose open-ended system of interrelations and differences. A key point in her understand is her presentation of what she calls "not-statement". 2/
Sep 28, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
"Many of them are very young, have little or no experience of government and, it’s perhaps fair to say, a greater degree of confidence in their own abilities than a more objective analysis would warrant."… "... for increasingly there are reports (£) of the resentment that experienced MPs and ministers (and, I would assume, senior civil servants) feel about the transparent contempt with which they are treated by the Vote Leave wunderkinds. ...
Sep 26, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Hver gang min fireårige datter står og vasker hænder synger hun:

Vaske hænder
Raske venner
På med vand og sæbe
Væk med alt det slemme
Tommel ikke glemme
Før vi spiser
Når vi grisser
Og gør stort og tisser. Hun har lært det i børnehaven, og hun bliver troligen ved med at vaske hænderne, indtil sangen af omme, og tomlen på begge hænder får også en tur på det relevante sted i sangen.