Susan HayesCulleton CFA Profile picture
Co-founder HayesCulleton Group inc @ActivePeersAI @SavvyTeens - @SavvyWomenBrand. Hybrid MC and keynote speaker. 6x author.
Oct 2, 2020 6 tweets 15 min read
@VectorVest @MaryTourAmerica @TourAmericaTV @CruiseHolidayie @IIBN @GoingForGrowth @EOYIreland @McKinsey Wonderful! @MaryTourAmerica was fantastic. She shared a range of insider insights about #travel #airlines and #cruise companies. Lots of comments and questions from people throughout. I showed the audience how to navigate the sector's key stock metrics.
@VectorVest @MaryTourAmerica @TourAmericaTV @CruiseHolidayie @IIBN @GoingForGrowth @EOYIreland @McKinsey #Summary

🟣 @MaryTourAmerica feels that corporate travel could be hit the hardest, short haul could come back the quickest and long haul will soon follow thereafter.

🟣airlines have to cut capacity, agencies will have to become more boutique and customer service will win out
Sep 17, 2020 10 tweets 10 min read
Following on from my @LEODCWomen session yesterday called "Know your Purpose and Innovate to Thrive" with @PaulineLogan, here is a list of the resources that I referenced:

A #Thread… 1. @caseyorla at @ambition2employ spearheaded an initiative around taking on your first employee. To accompany that, I wrote a piece called

"The seven secret questions that every new employer secretly asks themselves (and how to answer them)"…
Aug 22, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
As I read back over the notes I wrote in here, I reflected on this like:

1. What changes have this new normal brought about that we want to keep? (That was arising from a @brianbuffini #podcast about “burning off impurities)

2. What do we want to simplify in the business? Image 3. What is our new understanding of risk and vulnerability... and how do we make risk adjusted business decisions?

4. What did we previously think was a risk but was masquerading as part of our #USP?

5. Where is the flex in our system and power does this knowledge give us?
Apr 22, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
A couple of key points that Caroline McEnery @TheHRSuite and @elmaoreilly @parallelldn shared this morning on the @IIBN webinar:

1. Get into the helicopter and look at your business strategy for the next 3, 6 and 12 months. Align your #HR strategy accordingly.

(1/5) Image 2. #Communication is critical. Have you daily check-ins, normal one-to-one meetings and don't assume people know what you're thinking.

3. Information on the #furlough system in the UK is changing all the time. Explain that to your staff and that you're keeping up to date. (2/5)
Mar 28, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
I read a piece by @LauBooneEco about the longer-term economic cure:

We may have to prepare for a longer coronavirus crisis… via @FinancialTimes

Here are three key things she says (and my response): 1. "Because of this uncertainty, markets are unable to price risks or economic expectations" says @LauBooneEco.

She is completely right. The old adage "Share prices follow earnings" is a conundrum now. EPS and P/E ratio data is likely out of date. What are the prices following?