Shouting into the void, feeding AI. Profile picture
'You may not be able to solve all the world's problems but if you help one person today you become part of the solution' - Unknown
Dame Chris🌟🇺🇦😷 #RejoinEU #FBPE #GTTO🔶️ Profile picture Charlie Helps FRSA ⚛️❣️💙🖤🤍 Profile picture Christine McCue Profile picture 3 subscribed
May 22 12 tweets 3 min read
This 🧵 contains the email addresses for the CEOs of the major water companies in England.

Most are earning £1m+ in pay+bonuses. If you'd like to let your water company boss know what you think of the current situation, look them up and drop them a line.

💩🌊🥤🚿🚱💩 Anglian Water CEO is Peter Simpson. His pay+bonus is worth ~£1.5m p.a.

Email address is

Dumping raw sewage by a member of the public is a criminal offence & may result in a prison term.

The fines the water companies pay are factored into your bills.
Jan 29 10 tweets 2 min read
@Keir_Starmer @RhonddaBryant
The people of this country have lost faith & belief in our Parliament. The damage done by the current crop of MP's is fatal, poor behaviour & corruption abound.

Both Houses need urgent reform to raise standards and restore public faith. 🧵👇 1. Any MP suspected of a serious crime is immediately suspended.
2. Any MP convicted of a serious crime loses their seat and is expelled for min 10 years.
3. Alcohol is not sold during office hours, say 8am to 5pm.
4. Two tiers for bar/restaurant subsidies, staff yes, MP's no.
Jan 18 4 tweets 1 min read
Tories are using Rwanda as a smoke screen to remove the human rights of 68 million British people.

Exit the ECHR & sell British land to the rich & corps for the full implementation of Freeports. Thus the UK returns to a feudal system for generations.

Good luck serfs. 👇🧵 Do you already live in a Freeport area?
Aug 2, 2022 21 tweets 8 min read
WRT the news circulating that a 70Bn contract has been awarded to a Cornish micro company. Here's what I have so far. They are middlemen providing "Framework Consultancy" not beneficiaries of the whole £70Bn but defo some of it.

But all is not what it seems... it's a bit smelly The Place Group

About - ……

People - ……

Accounts - ……

In 2019 they had £650 in assets and an average of nil employees.

Simon James Rule & Claire Elise Delaney

Secretary is another co - Addition Corporate Services
Aug 1, 2022 22 tweets 8 min read
Many, inc me, are still wondering what happened to the £37Bn of public money allocated to Dildo Harding for Test & Trace. A £37Bn🧵presenting what I've discovered so far...

#GTTO #DidoHarding #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern I started with the summary statement from @FullFact to start my investigation. £37Bn was the budget for two years, it appears the programme was heavily dependent on "over-priced consultants" and contrary to best practice remains so.…
Sep 24, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
PPE Scandal, Misuse of Taxpayers money - I have reported the UkGov to the Serious Fraud Office using this link.

My msg text and links to evidence supplied are in the thread, please feel free to re-use them to submit your own report.

Sep 17, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
Tories will privatise your #NHS. Spending has risen by an average of 3.7% p.a. since the NHS was founded, but only by 1.5% p.a. since 2010.

Write to your MP now, let them know how you feel.

Don't know where or what to write? Fixed it!

It's easy. Less than 5 mins effort. Image This text is for you to use, just cut+paste, it is important to modify it as you wish and send.

N.B. You may get a warning when you click the link which may be ignored.…

#3Point5Percent #WriteToThem
Sep 17, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
Covid19 demonstrates the value of all NHS staff. They are underpaid. Clapping does not pay bills, they deserve an immediate pay rise.

Write to your MP now, let them know how you feel

Don't know where or what to write? Fixed it!

It's easy. Less than 5mins effort

#WriteToThem Image This text is for you to use, just cut+paste, it is important to modify it as you wish and send.

N.B. You may get a warning when you click the link which may be ignored.…

#3Point5Percent #WriteToThem
Sep 14, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
30% of our food comes from the EU. ‘No deal’ will cause severe shortages of food. Are you concerned for yourself & family?

Write to your MP now, let them know how you feel.

Don't know where or what to write? Fixed it!

It's easy. Less than 5 mins effort.

#WriteToThem Image This text is for you to use, just cut+paste, it is important to modify it as you wish and send.

N.B. You may get a warning when you click the link which may be ignored.…

#3Point5Percent #WriteToThem
Sep 14, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
This govt has put the NHS and the country on the brink of a national healthcare crisis. 'No deal'=severe shortages of staff & medicine

Write to your MP now, get it off your chest, you'll feel better.

Don't know where or what to write? Fixed it!

Easy. Less than 5 mins effort. This text is for you to use, just cut+paste, it is important to modify it as you wish and send.

N.B. You may get a warning when you click the link which may be ignored.…
Sep 14, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
British values, freedoms and lives are threatened by the Coronavirus Act 2020 and the PM’s recent attack on human rights.

Write to your MP now, let them know how you feel.

Don't know where or what to write? Fixed it!

It's easy. Less than 5 mins effort.

#WriteToThem Image This text is for you to use, just cut+paste, it is important to modify it as you wish and send.

N.B. You may get a warning when you click the link which may be ignored.…

#3Point5Percent #WriteToThem
Sep 14, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
British values, freedoms and lives are threatened by a corrupt & incompetent gov’t. We need a competent gov't & GE.

Write to your MP now, let them know how you feel.

Don't know where or what to write? Fixed it!

It's easy. Less than 5mins effort.

#WriteToThem Image This text is for you to use, just cut+paste, it is important to modify it as you wish and send.

N.B. You may get a warning when you click the link which may be ignored.…

#3Point5Percent #WriteToThem
Sep 14, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
#RussiaReport exposes a serious threat to UK democracy. The British people have been betrayed. We need a competent gov't & GE.

Write to your MP now, let them know how you feel.

Don't know where or what to write? Fixed it!

It's easy. Less than 5mins effort.

#WriteToThem Image This text is for you to use, just cut+paste, it is important to modify it as you wish and send.

N.B. You may get a warning when you click the link which may be ignored.…

#3Point5Percent #WriteToThem
Sep 14, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
The PPE scandal runs into £millions.

Public money spent with shell co's run by govt donors & MP's friends.

Write to your MP now, let them know how you feel.

Don't know where or what to write? Fixed it!

It's easy. Less than 5mins effort. 👇🏾

#3Point5Percent #WriteToThem Image This text is for you to use, just cut+paste, it is important to modify it as you wish and send.

N.B. You may get a warning when you click the link which may be ignored.…

#3Point5Percent #WriteToThem
Sep 13, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
This is your hard earned cash! Sick & tired of lies, corruption, cronyism and incompetence?

Pull your finger out and DO something!

#WriteToThem please. It requires little effort and time.

#3Point5Percent #Resist… This text is for you to use, just cut+paste, it is important to modify it as you wish before sending.

N.B. You may get a warning when you click the link which may be ignored.…

#3Point5Percent #WriteToThem
Sep 13, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Sick & tired of lies, corruption, cronyism and incompetence?

Pull your finger out and DO something!

#WriteToThem please. It requires little effort and time.

#3Point5Percent #Resist This text is for you to use, just cut+paste, it is important to modify it as you wish before sending.

N.B. You may get a warning when you click the link which may be ignored.…

#3Point5Percent #WriteToThem
Sep 13, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Sick & tired of lies, corruption, cronyism and incompetence?

Pull your finger out and DO something!

#WriteToThem please. It requires little effort and time.

#3Point5Percent #Resist This text is for you to use, just cut+paste, it is important to modify it as you wish before sending.

N.B. You may get a warning when you click the link which may be ignored.…

#3Point5Percent #WriteToThem
Sep 13, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Sick & tired of lies, corruption, cronyism and incompetence?

Pull your finger out and DO something!

#WriteToThem please. It requires little effort and time.

#3Point5Percent #Resist This text is for you to use, just cut+paste, it is important to modify it as you wish before sending.

N.B. You may get a warning when you click the link which may be ignored.…

#3Point5Percent #WriteToThem
Sep 12, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Everyone should be aware that hidden in the Coronavirus Act 2020 are sweeping powers conferred on our current Ukgov bypassing usual democratic checks & measures. Including, appt of temp judges, fast arrest warrants & taking of DNA from those detained...

#3Point5Percent #Resist Section 22, 23, 24; appointment of temporary judges (less usual scrutiny), the issue of rapid arrest warrants and the retention of fingerprints and DNA (assuming this is aimed at anyone they claim to be of 'national security' interest, including activists, peaceful protestors?)
Sep 10, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Two years on and these words are as true today as they were then.

Pull your finger out and DO something!

#WriteToThem please. It requires little effort and time.

#3Point5Percent #Resist This text is for you to use, just cut+paste, it is important to modify it as you wish before sending.

N.B. You may get a warning when you click the link which may be ignored.…

#3Point5Percent #WriteToThem
Sep 9, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
For those of you not yet angry enough to pull your finger out and write a letter to your MP. I thought I'd remind you of this...

#3Point5Percent #WriteToThem This text is for you to use, just cut+paste, it is important to modify it as you wish and send.

N.B. You may get a warning when you click the link which may be ignored.…

#3Point5Percent #WriteToThem