Brad Pearce Profile picture
dispatches from clown world. hater of people who write op-eds about "democratic norms." basically fineist.
Feb 22 26 tweets 15 min read
New Ynet Report on Israel's failures on 10/7 finds that Israel's indifference to their movements was so extreme that Hamas almost called off the attack believing the lack of Israeli activity indicated a planned ambush.

h/t @BoltzmannBooty

Thread 🪡

1/25 Image
The article, originally in Hebrew, has the translated title "Military Blindness: The Documents That Reveal the Collapse of the IDF and the Intelligence Community on October 7."

You can find the Yandex translation here:

Aug 19, 2024 23 tweets 6 min read
The world has entered a new age of wandering tribes. Demographic realities assure that if strong action is not taken the outflow from Latin America, Africa, and South Asia will sink the United States and Europe.

🪡 Thread of my new [huge] article

1/23 Image Migration is the biggest issue of our era. Wars come and go and economies rise and fall but in 1000 years if anyone is there to examine history, the story of our era will be formerly colonized peoples taking over their former masters

Jul 7, 2024 25 tweets 9 min read
Haaretz: IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on October 7 to Prevent Hamas Taking Soldiers Captive

On July 7th, an investigation in @haaretzcom confirmed that the Israeli Defense Forces used the infamous Hannibal Directive 9 months earlier, on 10/7

1/23 Image The Hannibal Directive is a "controversial" protocol whereby the IDF can "prioritize" stopping terrorists over the lives of soldiers they may have captured. Speculation of its use on 10/7 has been rife, especially since a @ynetnews report in January:

Jun 7, 2024 25 tweets 13 min read
A new Times of London investigation "Israel says Hamas weaponised rape. Does the evidence add up?" confirms a complete lack of evidence of the systematic use of sexual violence on 10/7

Thread 🪡

H/T @zei_squirrel for noticing this story

1/25 Image As you read this story, keep in mind that many seemingly reasonable and generally respectable people who believe both Hamas and Likud are bad completely bought this story and called us rape apologists and anti-semites for being correct

Feb 26, 2024 26 tweets 12 min read
@nytimes: "The Spy War: How the C.I.A. Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin" exposes large, hostile US spy network aimed at Russia. Admits US was preparing a "Beachhead" against Putin in Ukraine, and it is part of why Russia chose to invade

Thread 🪡
Image The New York Times, of course, is the arbiter of "acceptable" discourse. It is no longer a "conspiracy theory" that the CIA was using Ukraine against Russia for years. They heavily frame this, uncritically trusting US/Ukr spooks and acting like it is all noble

Jan 22, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
A stunning investigation from YnetNews, Israel's largest news website titled "The First Hours of Black Saturday" makes an enormous accusation: panicked IDF leadership issued a "Hannibal Directive" causing mass civilian casualties.


1/10… This report has been completely ignored in English language media, but in reality it is the most serious accusation I have ever seen a major newspaper make against the government under which it operates. It must be read and understood.

2/10 Image
Jan 17, 2024 28 tweets 12 min read
The YNet News "7 Days" Report "The First Hours of Black Saturday" paints a devastating picture of incompetence, panic, and, ultimately, extreme disregard for the lives of Israeli civilians by the IDF

There will be serious domestic repercussions for Israel's government


1/25 Image Note: This was published in Hebrew, which I do not read. I used Yandex's auto-translate which is imperfect. Twitter seems to be suppressing the link and the page seems poorly programmed. I had to use Brave to make it work.

Here is the clean link:

Jan 13, 2024 18 tweets 5 min read
It's sad that what was once America's newspaper of record, the New York Times, has been bought off with Putin's oil money and is now pushing copium for Russian Nazi propagandists.

For real though, this is devasating:

1/15 The shortage of equipment is so acute they are cutting into year old destroyed armor, having already salvaged all the good parts and now just getting the bare metal:

2/15 Image
Dec 28, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
I have finished volume 2 of Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations, which includes book 4 on colonialism and the mercantile system, and book 5 on government revenue.

This is really an incredible text that should be read by everyone

1/15 Image Though on political economy, it is a mistake for Wealth of Nations to be limited to the study of economics, as in reality it covers the most important aspects of human affairs and government.

In our unenlightened times, too few are familiar with the whole text

Nov 8, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
I've finished Eusebius' "History of the Church" [Traditionally translated "Ecclesiastical History"]

I am not religious, but this is a remarkable text for anyone to read, deserving more than just a few words:

1/21 Image Eusebius covers the first 300 years of Christianity, from the life of Christ to the reign of Constantine, and era which saw Christianity grow from a persecuted sect to the predominant religion of the Roman Empire.

Oct 18, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
This is the longest and most important thing I have ever written

The real history of Zaka Search and Rescue: the organization is plagued by accusations of corruption, fraud, and sex crimes


1/x… Since the attack on Israel, Zaka has been widely used by the media as a source on casualty incidents. However, extensive reporting in Israeli media as well court records make it clear they are not credible regarding any matter.…
Jul 25, 2023 24 tweets 6 min read
#Israel on the Brink After a Contentious Vote on Judicial Reform

A #thread 🪡

#IsraelProtests #JudicialReform

1/24 Image Today, after over seven months of widespread protests, #Netanyahu's government in #Israel passed a law reforming the judicial system and limiting the power of the High Court by a vote of 64-0, with the opposition walking out of the #Knesset

May 10, 2023 26 tweets 8 min read
The History, Status, and Importance of the Turkish Straits

A #thread 🪡

1/25 In our age of idiocy, there has been much rage at #Turkiye for trying to maintain a balanced and diplomatic course between #Russia, #Ukraine, and its #NATO allies. Most of this discourse ignores the power and responsibility which comes with controlling the #Turkish Straits.

Apr 18, 2023 26 tweets 26 min read
The Continuing Regional Rapprochement of #Syria and #Assad

A thread 🪡

1/25 Image In January I wrote about how, after over 10 years of brutal war pushed and funded by outside powers, the #MiddleEast was accepting that the #Syrian Arab Republic, led by #Assad would stay in power.…

Apr 12, 2023 22 tweets 16 min read
How to Research Western "Soft Power" Media Influence

A 🪡

1/22 Western governments, corporations, and NGOs devote a lot of resources to "research," "experts," and narrative control.

Of course, other governments do it too, but at this point others are pretty clearly labeled, and those governments being bad is drilled into our minds.

Apr 4, 2023 24 tweets 8 min read
Former #Kosovo President and Kosovo Liberation Army [#KLA] Leader Hashim Thaci on Trial in #TheHague for #WarCrimes Alleged to Have Been Committed During the Kosovo War of 1998-1999

A 🪡

1/22 On April 3, 2023, Hashim Thaci and 3 co-defendants plead Not Guilty to 10 counts of various war crimes. They are accused of killing over 100 people, enforced disappearances, and other atrocities. The trial is expected to go on for years.

Mar 29, 2023 24 tweets 16 min read
Explaining the @RepMattGaetz Interrogation on US-Trained African Coup Leaders

A thread 🪡

1/24 @RepMattGaetz recently had an excellent performance in Congress, where he interviewed the head of US Africa Command, General Langley, about the string of coups led by US-trained military leaders:

Mar 15, 2023 23 tweets 5 min read
Reflections on the 20th Anniversary of the Invasion of Iraq, a 🪡:

1/22 March, 20th marks the 20th Anniversary of "Shock and Awe", the brutal US invasion of Iraq whereby the US government sought to...wait, what was the original purpose? I guess remove weapons of mass destruction.

Mar 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I think about this @mtaibbi quote about investigative reporters all the time:

"Real reporting work is mostly a drag, mostly time-consuming, and very often a high-effort, low-reward activity. If you’re doing it right,

being a nuisance via repeated requests to use a quote or put a name to one, or sitting up at night and hyperventilating about article factoids your sleeping mind has woken you up to have panic attacks about.

There’s a ton of grunt work involved,

Mar 3, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I don't know of a single person who goes around Twitter giving unsolicited marriage advice who is actually marriage.

I'll give you some real advice, as someone who has been married to @LaissezLexi 10 years in September:

Marry someone you love and work for it. I could have rambled about anything ,and I fucking love my wife I Can talk about that all day. But the truth is, marriage isn't easy, if you're not working at it you aren't doing it right, though the good times are so good.
But damn, I don't miss the bad times in our marriage
Mar 3, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This is a huge leap, but does anyone out there have the name of a company that manufactures the BiModal Voter Accreditation System #BVAS that #INEC uses for #IReV in #Nigeria elections? All I've found is "tech startups" helped modernize

#NigeriaDecides2023 #INECElectionResult for those extremely confused, Nigeria used a new vote reporting system and had bad reporting delays. Not the main point of my piece but weird I can't find a manufacturer for the biometric system, governments rarely make such things in house. It should be a contractor.