Whitney Clark Profile picture
trustee @TCDrichmond #livedexperience | #careleaver | #exoffender | #ADHD | anorexia recovery | PTSD | advocate | MH peer support worker in the NHS
Sep 30, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
The true impact of a foster career and the effects and relationships built is something that’s so hard to describe, even if it doesn’t work out with each placement I’ve learnt something different good and bad #fostercare #careleaver #care #careexperienced I went into foster care when I was 8 years old something that was so unimaginable being separated from the only chaotic life I knew, I was petrified but to this day there’s a guy I call my dad who happened to be the first foster parents I went to #fostercare #careleaver #love
Aug 29, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
I am one of 8 children today I saw my 18 year old brother who I haven’t seen for about 5/6 years we was separated about 13 years ago this is the same brother at the age of 7 I physically sat on to stop social services taken him away #care #careleaver People often forget how important sibling contact is, people often forget how much still lives with me, how much I remember, how much I wish I could have done more, how much I blame myself for us all being separated I will never get this time back #care #trauma #separation
Jun 21, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
14/15 years ago I met a man who at the time I didn’t realise to this day how much of an impact he had on me, how much he taught me, how much he loved me, how much he cared and the time I lived with him i never respected him as much as I wish I had now The complete disrespect I had at the time in my life that was so chaotic is just unimaginable now but that guy still stuck by me that guy was my first ever foster parent #careleaver #fathersday #fosterparent #childincare
Feb 21, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
As someone who is now a care leaver
As someone who’s spent time in care for a number of years
As someone who’s experienced extreme trauma
As someone who been abused
As someone who’s been to prison
As someone who’s tried taking their own life As someone who’s battled with mental health issues for many years
As someone who lives in a deliberating and tortuous mind everyday
As someone who was failed by the care system
As someone who used to be ashamed to be that person in care