Aaron Rutman, MD Profile picture
Neuroradiologist, @kpwashington, @UWRadiology, UW SOM #neuroanatomy instructor; photography, guitar, baseball, dad of 3 #neurorad
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Dec 8, 2022 29 tweets 12 min read
HYPOTHALAMUS (HT)🧵-the control center of circadian rhythm, fatigue/wakefulness, hunger/satiety, sex drive, thirst/BP—and the command post for endocrine control via the HT-pituitary axis.
#meded #neuroradiology #neuroscience #radiology #neurology #neurosurgery #neuroanatomy
1/28 Quiz A: Histamine activity in the brain/brainstem contributes to alertness/wakefulness–hence: sleepy effects of benadryl. Histaminergic neurosecretory cell bodies are exclusively in the tuberomammillary nucleus of the TUBER CINEREUM (HT floor), with widespread projections.
May 24, 2022 22 tweets 12 min read
Pterygopalatine fossa🧵- inspired by ?s from med students in neuroanatomy lab & a resident w/ case of perineural tumor spread on same day! #meded #FOAMrad #medtwitter #medstudents #radiology #neurorad #HNrad #radres #neurology #ENT #temporalbone #neurosurgery #neuroanatomy
1/22 The PTERYGOPALATINE FOSSA (PPF) is a space deep in the face/skull base, bordered anteriorly by the maxilla (max sinus), posteriorly by the pterygoid base of the sphenoid, and medially by the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone. 2/22
Mar 6, 2021 25 tweets 14 min read
Neuroanatomy TOTD #15🧵
The inner ear #tweetorial--it packs a large functional punch for its small size-strap in!
#meded #FOAMed #FOAMrad #medtwitter #medstudents #radiology #neurorad #HNrad #radres #neurology #ENT #temporalbone #neurosurgery #neuroanatomy #neuroanatomyTOTD
1/24 To evaluate the t-bone, best to compartmentalize--external/middle/inner ear (IE). See previous #tweetorial of the ME. The IE is difficult as most structures are obliquely oriented (at different obliquities!)-and can be hard to see on standard views. 2/24
Jan 11, 2021 22 tweets 12 min read
Neuroanatomy TOTD #14🧵
Got some requests to do one of the trickiest areas of human anatomy, the #temporalbone. So many named structures! #meded #FOAMed #FOAMrad #medtwitter #medstudents #radiology #neurorad #radres #neurosurgery #neuroanatomy #ENT #otolaryngology

1/21 Image Whether learning t-bone anatomy as a medical student or evaluating a CT of the t-bone as a radres, it’s best to compartmentalize into external, middle, and inner ear. This thread🧵is on the middle ear: Inner ear to follow, some day:)

2/21 Image
Dec 2, 2020 18 tweets 9 min read
Neuroanatomy TOTD #12

The green structure is the amygdala (amygdaloid body) and the yellow structure is the stria terminalis (ST).


#meded #FOAMed #FOAMrad #medtwitter #medstudents #radiology #neurorad #radres #neurology #neurosurgery #neuroanatomy #neuroanatomyTOTD Image Time for a deep dive into limbic networks. Bear with me—this is a fun subject. I got carried away preparing slides—it’s hard to know when to stop!

Nov 15, 2020 11 tweets 6 min read
Neuroanatomy TOTD #11🧵
➡️intracanalicular facial nerve. IAC cross section➡️4 nerves; ant-sup➡️facial, ant-inf➡️cochlear (7-up/coke-down). Post nerves➡️sup&inf vestibular #medtwitter #meded #FOAMed #FOAMrad #neurorad #radiology #radres #neurology #neurosurgery #neuroanatomy
1/11 Facial motor nucleus is in the pontine tegmentum; axons loop dorsally around the abducens nucleus, then course anterolaterally, exiting the brainstem at the CPA.
Oct 30, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Neuroanatomy TOTD #10🧵 
1/5 Small gray matter structure at the junction of the thalamus and midbrain is the subthalamic nucleus (STN).

#meded #FOAMed #FOAMrad #medtwitter #medstudents #radiology #neurorad #radres #neurology #neurosurgery #neuroanatomy #neuroanatomyTOTD Image 2/5...The STN is functionally a node within the basal ganglia (BG) INDIRECT LOOP. STN contains excitatory glutaminergic neurons➞output to the GABA neurons of GPi, which in turn have inhibitory effect on thalamic outputs to the motor cortex.
Oct 23, 2020 7 tweets 6 min read
Neuroanatomy TOTD #9🧵
1/6 The trigeminal n. courses anteriorly➡️prepontine cistern➡️into Meckel’s cave (green), which lies at the medial floor of middle cranial fossa at the petrous apex.
#meded #FOAMed #FOAMrad #neurorad #neurology #neurosurgery #neuroanatomy #neuroanatomyTOTD Image 2/6...Meckel’s cave (MC) is open to the subarachnoid space at its posterior margin (and is therefore filled with CSF). The trigeminal (Gasserion) ganglion lives in MC. Superiomedial to MC (and sharing a dural border), is the cavernous sinus. #radres #neurorad Image
Oct 13, 2020 9 tweets 6 min read
Neuroanatomy TOTD #8🧵
1/8 MRI shows the hippocampal formation; the hippocampus(HC) is a ridge of archicortex gray matter at floor of lat ventricle, in the med temp lobe #FOAMed #FOAMrad #radres #neurorad #neuroscience #medtwitter #radiology #neurology #neurosurgery #neuroanatomy Image 2/8..The HC: complex structure of limbic system; encodes memories from short->long term (also involved in pattern recognition,memory encoding & association, working memory,spatial nav, emotional behavior,awareness of conscious knowledge). Am I missing anything neuroscientists?
Oct 6, 2020 8 tweets 5 min read
Neuroanatomy TOTD #7🧵

1/7 The cavernous sinuses (CS) are outlined on either side of the sella. The ICA & cranial nerves 3,4,6,V1,V2 travel through the CS.

#meded #FOAMed #FOAMrad #radres #neurorad #medtwitter #radiology #neurology #neurosurgery #neuroanatomy #neuroanatomyTOTD Image 2/7...CN 3,6,V1 travel between two dural layers in the lateral wall of the CS. V2 often travels in the the inferolateral wall of the CS (sometimes inferior to the CS). Cranial nerve 6 floats freely in the CS (why CS pathology often selectively affects CN6). Image
Sep 29, 2020 5 tweets 6 min read
Neuroanatomy TOTD #6
a) Ant choroidal artery infarct, involving the post limb of the internal capsule
b) Sup hypophyseal artery aneurysm—medially directed from the supraclinoid ICA
#meded #FOAMed #FOAMrad #radres #neurorad #radiology #neurosurgery #neuroanatomy #neuroanatomyTOTD ImageImage ICA segments: C1 (cervical) becomes C2 (petrous) in the carotid canal of the petrous bone. Becomes C3 (lacerum) as it exits the carotid canal above the foramen lacerum. Becomes C4 (cavernous segment above the petrolingual ligament through the cavernous sinus. Image
Sep 24, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
Neuroanatomy TOTD #5

The indicated bundle is the anterior commissure (AC), located at the ant border of the 3rd ventricle, at the sup margin of the lamina terminalis.

#meded #FOAMed #FOAMrad #radres #neurorad #medtwitter #radiology #neurosurgery #neuroanatomy #neuroanatomyTOTD Image The AC runs across the midline in front of the anterior columns of the fornix, behind the basal forebrain and beneath the anterior limb internal capsule and basal ganglia, surrounded by the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.
Sep 21, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
Neuroanatomy TOTD #4
1/5 Answer: The orange structure is the cavernous sinus (CS), a paired dura-lined venous cavity on either side of the sella. The sinuses are split into numerous “caves” by fibrous septae (hence the name). #neuroanatomy #neurorad #medtwitter #neuroanatomyTOTD Image 2/5 Note that the paired sinuses are often variably connected by “intercavernous sinuses”. While the CS is often taught for its relationship to the ICA and cranial nerves, I find that medical students and residents rarely understand the flow of blood through the sinus.
Sep 19, 2020 7 tweets 5 min read
Neuroanatomy TOTD #3
1/6 The superior frontal sulcus courses in the AP direction, and terminates at the precentral sulcus posteriorly. The central sulcus is immediately posterior to the precentral, and the postcentral immediately posterior to the central.
#meded #FOAMed #FOAMrad Image 2/6 "Upper T sign" or "L sign"
The SFS intersects the precentral s
Central sulcus is just posterior Image
Sep 19, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Neuroanatomy TOTD #2:

Answer: Fetal PCA

1/3 A fetal PCA, or fetal origin of the PCA is a common variant, estimated to be present (at least on one side) in about a quarter of individuals. Image 2/3 The term is used variably, when the bulk of PCA flow comes from the anterior circulation (internal carotids) via a robust post. communicating artery. Some reserve the term for when there is no connection to the posterior circulation (absent P1 segment from the basilar art.), Image
Sep 17, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Neuroanatomy TOTD #1
1/7 The arrows point to the bilateral pterygoid canals (aka Vidian canal), seen here on a coronal CT of the skull base. Note that the canal travels in the AP direction, within the sphenoid bone, medial and inferior to the foramen rotundum. Image 2/7 Preganglionic parasympathetic cell bodies are located in the superior salivatory nucleus of the pontine tegmentum, and exit the brainstem with CNVII (facial nerve) at the cerebellopontine angle (-->IAC-->temp bone).