Senior Analyst @ESI_eu.
Western Balkans, EU, human rights, democracy & rule of law. Bridging the Western Balkans-EU gap.
Nov 13, 2021 • 24 tweets • 15 min read
Past couple of weeks have been quite eventful on 🇧🇦.
Following many meetings, emails, (zoom) calls, background talks and tweet-reads, let me bring together some key facts, assessments, positions & actions of different actors.🧵 1/24
What has Milorad #Dodik done so far?
I. Together with RS opposition:
1. Adopted RS law annuling Inzko’s imposition = RS made parts of the state-level criminal code not applicable in RS.
2. Voted against all decisions in state-level institutions except essential = financing.
Jul 25, 2021 • 18 tweets • 12 min read
High Representative #Inzko used his so-called Bonn Powers to amend the 🇧🇦 Criminal Code & introduce sanctions for “glorification of war criminals convicted by final and binding judgments and the denial of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.”
My thread🧵👇🏼1/18
Survivors & families of war victims, individuals & institutions active in human rights, remembering the past & reconciliation #welcomed#Inzko’s #decision. Most of them advocated for such legislative changes for years. Even Inzko promissed them many times to make it happen. (2)
In #BiH, for example, authorities relied on #COVAX, #EU🇪🇺 procurement mechanism patience of citizens (?!)👇🏼
Following an agreement of BiH governments in charge for health matters by November 2020 state level authorities (kind of) finalised paperwork to be able to order 1,232,000 dosis of vaccines via #COVAX + 892.000 dosis via an #EU procurement mechanism.