How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App only thing even vaguely worth trying at this pay rate would be an off-the-cuff single-draft opinion piece. And god knows, we have ENOUGH zero researched opinion pieces in the ether. about them screamed narcissist, cult of personality, con artist, and bad actor. There was also a cruelty about them--how they spoke of others with such ugliness, even folks who'd been allies and uplifted them into the public light. you follow my work with @ShantiBhavan or have seen me on @netflix, you may not know that I also write fiction & games."They need to respond to news and conversations quickly to be effective. The public voice and image of companies, media outlets, public figures, and institutions are in their hands at a very delicate time..."'s not terrible. It's just....okay? Like, decent enough to keep watching? But super safe and kind of just plodding along. v Wade will be overturned.