Anand S. Iyer, MD, MSPH Profile picture
Associate CMO @uabmedicine | Pulmonologist | Beeson Scholar | Creator: @pallipulm & @geripulm | Go Blazers | Views = mine
Jun 12, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
As an ICU attending, I’ve led hundreds of codes, & as a sim instructor, I designed a sim focused on the intangibles.

Here are 10 essential elements of code & rapid response leadership (in no particular order) that are not taught enough yet help control the chaos.

🧵 Image 1/ Be a calm & clear leader

ACLS 101.

This isn’t about ego. It’s about your patient.

Don’t be mean or yell.

Calmly stand at foot of the bed, raise your hand, & say, “I’m going to run this.”

Reset the room.

Attendings, support your trainees, “I’m right here. You got this.”
Sep 3, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
After an intense ICU event (eg. emotional family meeting or code), especially with trainees, take time to debrief with your whole team. Pause to acknowledge & process emotions & give a safe space to have them. Don’t just go back to the grind as we do. That stacks up #unwellness. 2/ These can be & are extremely traumatic events for HCWs, & yet I see trainees, nurses, fellow colleagues going to the next patient, chart, or procedure sometimes wiping tears from their eyes. I don’t know if we built this system up that way, but it shouldn’t be.
Jan 30, 2021 11 tweets 12 min read
1/ Last wk I asked #medtwitter how to ⬇️ barriers to #covidvaccination in elders👇🏾. Reframe the question: Who’s at risk for missing the vaccine? #geriatrics must play a ⬆️ role. Amplifying: @wassdoc @geri_doc @LouiseAronson @sharon_inouye @MLRobertsonMD
@DavidCGrabowski 2/@judith_graham writes on aging for @KHNews & wrote an excellent piece about the barriers to the #covidvaccine in older adults for @cnn 👇🏾. Honored to offer a quote alongside @PreetiNMalani & others. 🙏🏽

@UABNews @uabmedicine @UABSOM @DrVickersUAB @DrJeanneM @DrEllenEaton
Nov 5, 2019 12 tweets 14 min read
1/ In honor of #COPD Awareness Month, let’s solve the prevailing problem of rare #palliativecare (PC) in COPD, especially early.

See our qual exploration of clinicians in @PalliativeMed_j…

Care to take a stroll?

#pallipulm @pallipulm
@atscommunity 2/ First, a PSA:

Waiting for PC until end-stage #copd is too late & misses a golden opportunity to meet COPD patient & family needs earlier in the trajectory.

See our @AnnalsATS pub….

@AnnalsATS will have a podcast on that soon, so stay tuned!