Carlo Favaretti Profile picture
MD, MPH. Expert in public health, HTA, management & leadership in medicine. Honorary President @SIHTA_Italia. Former CEO of Health Authorities & University H's
Dec 18, 2020 5 tweets 13 min read
Preoccupante #COVID19 Nuovi casi e mortalità settimana 9-15/12 x100.000 abitanti x Regione/PA in @ALTEMS4 Instant Report 33 #StayAtHome @americo691 @drsilenzi @causioofficial @dr_enricorosso @Nemomnis @MRGualano @aringherosse @LeadMedIt @DrMCecconi Nuovi Ingressi Settimanali in Terapia Intensiva
(x 100.000 ab): settimana 9-15/12 in @ALTEMS4 Instant Report 33 #COVID19 #StayAtHome @americo691 @drsilenzi @causioofficial @dr_enricorosso @Nemomnis @MRGualano @aringherosse @LeadMedIt @DrMCecconi
Oct 26, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
#COVID19 Esperti vs Politici (tutti) il mondo non cambia! Thread da Giuseppe Prezzolini: Vita di Nicolò Machiavelli fiorentino, 1926, 1/4 #COVID19 “Così capita spesso nella storia dei popoli: c’è un savio, e i mediocri lo chiamano pazzo, e si reputano savi perché mediocri” 2/4
Oct 23, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
È evidente che per cambiare veramente le cose non basta fare leggi e ordinanze? @drsilenzi @dr_enricorosso @Nemomnis @waltermazzucco @MRGualano @DrMCecconi @SItI_leadership @LeadMedIt @ALTEMS4 @americo691 @aringherosse @DavideZurlo In un’epidemia le TI sono l’estrema difesa, l’attacco sono i servizi di igiene pubblica
Sep 25, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
#Covid_19 is not a pandemic: it's a syndemic characterised by biological and social interactions between conditions and states. A syndemic is not merely a comorbidity by @richardhorton1 @TheLancet… @drsilenzi @dr_enricorosso @LeadMedIt @raffaelebruno The most important consequence of seeing COVID-19 as a syndemic is to underline its social origins. "“A syndemic approach provides a very different orientation to clinical medicine and public health..." (Singer et Al., 2017)
Jul 30, 2020 4 tweets 5 min read
Auger et al. estimate: school closure may have been associated with 1.37 million fewer cases of #COVID__19 over a 26-day period and 40 600 fewer deaths over a 16-day period during the spring of 2020 @drsilenzi @dr_enricorosso @SItI_leadership @LeadMedIt Reopening K-12 Schools During the #COVIDー19 Pandemic
A Report From the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine "weighing the public health risks of opening against the educational and other risks of keeping buildings closed" @drsilenzi
Jun 28, 2020 7 tweets 9 min read
The Dunning-Kruger Effect Explains Why Society Is So Screwed-Up D-K Effect = tendency 4 people to misjudge their abilities. The peak (left) is referred to as Mount Stupid @drsilenzi @dr_enricorosso @Nemomnis @waltermazzucco @MRGualano @LeadMedIt Those with the loudest voices have the most confidence but little competence. Many of the noisiest on Twitter, Facebook, etc. have only read an article or 2, saw another user’s video, or browsed comments. @drsilenzi @dr_enricorosso @Nemomnis @waltermazzucco @MRGualano @LeadMedIt
Jun 23, 2020 10 tweets 15 min read
#COVID__19 lezioni dall’emergenza Sette raccomandazioni su cui lavorare @drsilenzi @dr_enricorosso @Nemomnis @waltermazzucco @MRGualano @LeadMedIt @SItI_leadership @Medici_Manager @SIHTA_Italia @SItI_Nazionale @aringherosse (lungo thread) Raccomandazione 1: elaborare e aggiornare il piano nazionale contro le pandemie includendo obiettivi SMART (specifici, misurabili, raggiungibili, realistici e definibili nel tempo) @drsilenzi @dr_enricorosso
Jun 12, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Zaia: «Vo' fu zona rossa con la firma del ministro Speranza» ⁦@beppesevergnini⁩ IMPRECISO! a ⁦… Coronavirus, Zaia: "No al Veneto zona rossa" -… Mattino di Padova @beppesevergnini IMPRECISO! a @OttoemezzoTW
Jun 10, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
La pandemia è neodarwiniana, e i virus mancano di buon senso in @scinet_it @drsilenzi @dr_enricorosso @Nemomnis @waltermazzucco @MRGualano @Zancolupenterzo @aringherosse @raffaelebruno @DrMCecconi @lucadf @luca__pani @Pqr9ap @RSiliquini @mtizzoni @undotti È un’inclinazione (bias) del cervello umano voler prevedere tutto, soprattutto quello che non è prevedibile. Di questi e altri errori cognitivi ne sono stati commessi a valanga durante la pandemia, da parte anche degli esperti. 2/7
Jun 7, 2020 4 tweets 7 min read
Choices for the “New Normal” by @donberwick on @JAMA_current. "It is more honest to frame the new post–COVID-19 normal not as predictions, but as a series of choices" @WRicciardi @drsilenzi @dr_enricorosso @Nemomnis @waltermazzucco @MRGualano @aringherosse “The pandemic nominates at least 6 properties of care for durable change: tempo, standards, working conditions, proximity, preparedness, and equity” by @donberwick @WRicciardi @drsilenzi @dr_enricorosso @Nemomnis @waltermazzucco @MRGualano @aringherosse
Jun 2, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Distanziamento fisico Il rischio di trasmissione è del 13% sotto il metro di distanza e 3% sopra e si riduce aumentandola @drsilenzi @dr_enricorosso @Nemomnis @waltermazzucco @MRGualano @WRicciardi @LeadMedIt @SItI_leadership @Medici_Manager L'uso della maschera riduce il rischio dal 17% al 3%; la protezione degli occhi dal 16% al 6%. Studio originale
May 25, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Ten reasons why immunity passports are a bad idea Restricting movement on the basis of biology threatens freedom, fairness and
public health @WRicciardi @drsilenzi @Nemomnis @waltermazzucco @MRGualano @LeadMedIt @EUPHActs @HTAiOrg @aringherosse Four huge practical problems add up to one very bad idea: 1) COVID-19 immunity is a mystery, 2) Serological tests are unreliable, 3) The volume of testing needed is unfeasible, 4) Too few survivors to boost the economy
May 20, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
Planning for a COVID-19 Vaccination Program on @JAMA_current @WRicciardi @drsilenzi @dr_enricorosso @IvetaNagyova @natasha_azzmus @EUPHActs @EUPHA_HTA @EuphaIdc @SItI_Nazionale @LeadMedIt @SItI_leadership @Medici_Manager @SIHTA_Italia @HTAiOrg 1/7 The groundwork for public acceptance of a COVID-19 vaccine must be carefully started before a vaccine becomes available 2/7
May 5, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Contact tracing assessment of #COVIDー19 transmission dynamics in Taiwan @drsilenzi @dr_enricorosso @Nemomnis @waltermazzucco @MRGualano @pau_paren 1/5 100 confirmed patients and 2761 close contacts (22 paired index-secondary cases) 2/5
May 2, 2020 5 tweets 9 min read
“Paradosso prevenzione”: ottenuti buoni risultati. Ora rischio del “abbiamo esagerato con lockdown”! ⁦@WRicciardi⁩ ⁦@drsilenzi⁩ ⁦@dr_enricorosso⁩ ⁦@Nemomnis⁩ ⁦@MRGualano⁩ ⁦@DavideZurlo⁩ ⁦⁦@Zancolupenterzo⁩ ⁦@aringherosseImage Speriamo di non imitare Denver nel 1918 con influenza “spagnola”! @WRicciardi @drsilenzi @dr_enricorosso @Nemomnis @MRGualano @DavideZurlo @Zancolupenterzo @aringherosse Image