🔥Latina🔥 #MutualAid #Abolition #UnionStrong Profile picture
@TEDx 🎦 Composer Tech | Media | AI | Film Mama of #T1D Kid #LongCovid @TENDEMANDS @LCIP_org MUSIC!!! https://t.co/gRRd1OkGUe FREE #Abolition Guide👇
Mar 24, 2023 11 tweets 6 min read
#LGBTQIA friends affected by Anti-Trans legislation in red states - NY is not a perfect state, but head to #Buffalo. We have a thriving LGBTQIA community. Housing is midrange, w lots of options for older adults & those w special needs. Arts, culture, music, food, sports. We aren't perfect. There are a lot of MAGA here, but there is also a lot of diversity & progressives trying to mend fences. If you want info about Buffalo, post below. I will do my best to answer. We can be your refuge. ❤️🫂🏳️‍⚧️ #TransRightsAreHumanRights
Apr 4, 2022 13 tweets 7 min read
Since #PeoplesParty likes to claim I'm too "woke" for their alt-right #fraudsquad thought I would share some of the work I did for them. Someone explain what in the world didn't align with a true Leftist party? NB just wanted to hide his sexual harassment investigation w lies. They claim I was anti #Assange. The bigger issue is LM ONLY posted older White men & Nick, nothing else, resulting in the party only attracting White men & White women 65+. With Nick's blessing I was working on diversifying the content to reach ALL people, not just White males.