Dana M. Lewis | #OpenAPS 🤖 Profile picture
Created #OpenAPS (https://t.co/ef23rZjOLr), “PERT Pilot”. Moderated #hcsm. Wrote #APSBook (https://t.co/8NwKVKdZGU) + others. Researcher, developer, author
Jun 22, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
1/ What if there was a tool to help identify who might have exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI/PEI)?

EPI is a significant issue for many people with diabetes (likely more common than gastroparesis or celiac).

Here's how such a tool can help PWD👇🏼🧵

#ADASciSessions #ADA2024 2/ The Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency Symptom Score (EPI/PEI-SS) has 15 symptoms, rated by how frequent they are and how bothersome they are (aka severity).

n=324 ppl participated in a real-world survey.

n=118 were people with diabetes (PWD)!

#ADASciSessions #ADA2024
Jun 6, 2022 15 tweets 7 min read
📣 Presentation of the primary outcome results from the CREATE Trial, which assessed open source automated insulin delivery (AID) compared to sensor-augmented pump therapy (SAPT) in adults & kids with T1D, at #ADA2022!

@DrMartindeBock1 presenting on behalf of CREATE team.

Shout out to the amazing CREATE study team.

(PS - there’s another publication from our team about HCPs learning experience on open source AID for this study, too! doi.org/10.1111/dme.14…)

2/ #ADA2022
Jun 5, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
I just realized it's been 3 (!) years since I published my book on automated insulin delivery, with the goal of helping increased conversation and understanding of AID technology for people with diabetes, their loved ones, and healthcare providers!

I'm still very proud that it is available to read for free online, free to download a PDF (both of which have been done thousands of times each: ArtificialPancreasBook.com), or as an e-book, paperback, and now hardback copy. Proceeds from the purchased copies go to Life For A Child.
Sep 24, 2020 25 tweets 18 min read
1/THREAD - my presentation is kicking off at #EASD2020 about open source automated insulin delivery.

(You can see a full version of my presentation here: bit.ly/DanaMLewisEASD…, or read the summary below!) Note we should differentiate between open source (where the source of something is open), and DIY (do-it-yourself) implementations of open source code. Open source means it can be reviewed and used by individuals (thus, DIY or #DIYAPS) or by companies.

/2 #EASD2020
Jun 13, 2020 12 tweets 7 min read

Poster 988-P at #ADA2020 by Jennifer Zabinsky, Haley Howell, Alireza Ghezavati, @DanaMLewis Andrew Nguyen, and Jenise Wong: “Do-It-Yourself Artificial Pancreas Systems Reduce Hyperglycemia Without Increasing Hypoglycemia”

(PDF available at bit.ly/DanaMLewisADA2…) This was a retrospective double cohort study that evaluated data from the @OpenAPS Data Commons (data ranged from 2017-2019) and compared it to conventional sensor-augmented pump (SAP) therapy from the @Tidepool_org Big Data Donation Project. #ADA2020
Jun 13, 2020 26 tweets 13 min read

Poster 99-LB at #ADA2020 by @danamlewis, @azure_dominique, and Lance Kriegsfeld, “Multi-Timescale Interactions of Glucose and Insulin in Type 1 Diabetes Reveal Benefits of Hybrid Closed Loop Systems“

(full content also available at bit.ly/DanaMLewisADA2…) Image Background - Blood glucose and insulin exhibit coupled biological rhythms at multiple timescales, including hours (ultradian, UR) and the day (circadian, CR) in individuals without diabetes. But, biological rhythms in longitudinal data have not been mapped in T1D. #ADA2020
Jun 12, 2020 28 tweets 16 min read
At #DData2020 today, I got to present (virtually!) a study called “AID-IRL”, which was an opportunity to learn from several people using commercial automated insulin delivery systems in the real world.

Here’s more information about the study, and what I learned!

THREAD: Image 1/ I did semi-structured phone interviews with 7 users of commercial AID systems in the last few months. The study was funded by @DiabetesMine. Study participants received $50 for their participation. #DData2020 Image
Jun 8, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
I've been appreciating the list of books shared - for adults and kids alike - around #BlackLivesMatter. But we need more - we can always use more.

I want to extend an offer - my DMs are open - if anyone is thinking about writing a book and wants to talk about self-publishing. This an open offer for the future, too - so if you think "ooh, maybe", feel free to take one of these tweets and stick it on your calendar for 3mo from now, or a year, or whenever you think you might have time/energy/desire and want the reminder.
Jun 1, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
It's so hard to lose a friend. 💜 I miss @mjseres. It makes my throat ache and my eyes run, three days in a row, to think about the world without him.

On a scale of 1 to kindest human you've ever met...he was the kindest human you've ever met.
May 19, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Doctor’s appt today and my first encounter with the inside world since late Feb. I’m wearing a mask, have disposable gloves for opening any doors/pressing any buttons (and disposing of those straight away), and hand sanitizer in my pocket. Infrastructure wise, there are signs at the elevators reminding of a 6 foot distance. Waiting room has signs on every other seat to encourage distance. Desk has a batch of “clean” pens and then a “dirty” container to place them in after use.
May 16, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
So excited to finally get to give this baby blanket I made - using my robot and robot cats design on minky fabric 😍 - to the intended recipient! Image Using Spoonflower to print a custom design on the fabric and making a no-sew blanket was perfect for someone who is not super crafty but wants to make a special present. 😊
May 9, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Littlest nephew has my name down pretty good...but kind of says it with a southern accent now 😂. He started calling me nah-nah at first, then intermittently nay-nah, and now day-nah with a strong emphasis on the front syllable making it sound like a southern drawl. 😂😍 He FaceTime’d me this morning - apparently he was trying to run somewhere after his big brother and his mom said to him “do you want to call someone?”, and he stopped in his tracks and turned around and ran to her saying “Day-nah!” so they called me.

Apr 27, 2020 14 tweets 9 min read
What’s #CoEpi (@CoEpiApp) open source project been up to lately? A thread with some updates & frequently asked questions we’re seeing as there is growing awareness of the options of Bluetooth-based technology to support our fight against #COVID19 (+other transmissible illnesses). If you’re not familiar with #CoEpi (@CoEpiApp), it’s an app for iOS and Android designed to use open source Bluetooth technology to anonymously log interactions with other devices and anonymously share symptoms to alert others. Image
Apr 10, 2020 8 tweets 6 min read
What’s the latest on #CoEpi (@CoEpiApp) and what do we think about the latest @Apple and @Google announcement?

THREAD: Today, @Apple and @Google announced they would release APIs that enable interoperability between Android and iOS devices using apps from public health authorities.
Apr 8, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Did not walk on my trail for the first time in 6 weeks. Because my spare time today was spent walking around a cul de sac in circles while my 4yo nephew scootered (staying 6 ft away etc). But I didn’t get enough steps, so I am now walking in more circles/laps around our floor. 😅 Image We haven’t gotten to see these nephews as much as usual and they’re moving out of state this summer 😭😭😭😭 so making the best of it even though the last two and next few months are disrupted in getting to see them.
Mar 29, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
Time flies when you’re staying at home 7 days a week and working on an open source project! Here’s the latest on #CoEpi: Reminder: the #CoEpi team is building a privacy-first system for anonymous Bluetooth-based contact tracing / exposure matching based on voluntary symptom sharing and/or confirmed COVID-19 test results.

(See CoEpi.org/vision for more details)
Mar 19, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
I had a Very Important Video Call scheduled on my calendar today, and it was even more glorious than I imagined. 😍💜 6yo niece chatted with me and @scottleibrand about what we were eating for lunch and what she ate and what we had been up to lately, and she read us a few pages from and narrated the new chapter book series she’s been reading. 😍 Image
Mar 17, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
#CoEpi update - in the past week, the group has made good progress on Bluetooth and back-end development as well as further developing content and workflows for the app. What will #CoEpi be? A mobile app-for both iOS & Android- with Bluetooth detection of nearby devices to help you identify contact with those who may have transmissible illnesses. It's designed with privacy in mind: only share symptoms if you want.See more: CoEpi.org
Mar 15, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
Here's a list of questions and responses (some existing threads, some new info to Twitter) about what I've been being asked by friends and family about what I've been doing and what they've should be thinking about doing re: #COVID19 protection measures.

Thread: Q: Are you still social distancing?

A: Yes. I'm on day 21 of social distancing. No restaurants, no seeing family unless we are out in the fresh air separated by 6+ feet with no contact. No other contact other than @scottleibrand.

Details here:
Mar 11, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
If the news of #COVID19 pandemic today makes you feel overwhelmed, remember there are things you can do. First and foremost, washing your hands with soap and water frequently helps protect you. Image Also, if you’re sick with anything, even “just a cold”, isolate yourself. This also means protecting your household by wiping down commonly used surfaces (and have them do so too). Image
Mar 10, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Wash your hands, self-isolate when sick, and social distance from others. These things will help protect you from #COVID19 and help us all #FlattenTheCurve.

Here are some other ideas of how we can come together as communities and help everyone through the epidemic.

Thread: 1/ Check on friends, acquaintances, and neighbors, especially those living alone. Make sure they have regular contact with someone who can help to make sure physical, social, and mental health needs are being met. Ensure they know where to look for help if needed.