davert 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Prince of Persia on day, developer at night. Author of @CodeceptJS and @Codeception testing frameworks. Currently working on @testomatio to make tests visible!
Feb 18, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
My experience of #GraphQL #API consumer

Previously I built integrations via #REST client but the current service provided only GraphQL so I had to learn that.

I felt that the usage of GraphQL was a great excuse for not writing API documentation at all. 2/6 Instead of well-organized documentation pages with request/response examples, which could be built with @Redocly or various open-source libraries, GraphQL provider throws you into their Schema

It's like a 'good dad' throws you into the sea to teach you how to swim Image
Feb 17, 2023 18 tweets 6 min read
A novel by Dostoevsky. Part II

As you know, a significant part of Dostoevsky's stories is murder and a court. In a novel written by 𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗲-𝗷𝘀 maintainer Denis Pushkarev this section is also presented. Let's look into it:

2/17 The good news is that we have a court decision! Oh, post-modernism, we can read the same story from a different perspective. Dostoevsky would like that!

We have a court ruling on Denis' case with some details I would like to share

Feb 16, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Another #AI take:

Evolution of AI will teach us how to be humans again.

If writings, voices, images, and code will be generated by AI it would be hard to find a preson behind them To detect that you talk to a real person you will prefer a video call instead of a chat or audio, as both can be simulated.

At some point even video will be mocked. However, it's much harder to do that as you can ask a person to change the focus and it can break the illusion
Feb 15, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
One of major changes in recent @CodeceptJS was removal of allure reporter

I didn't do it for political reasons

It just happened, that Allure reporter v1 was not maintained and Allure v2 has not been released. It took 4 years for team to not release it at all @CodeceptJS I remember I spent a lot of time integrating Allure in CodeceptJS. I liked the flexibility of API as I could put nested steps into it. However, implementation became very complex (it is always complex for nested steps)

I thought Allure would be a standard of reporters.

Feb 14, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
If Dostoevsky lived today that would be his best novel:

This a story of #russian #opensource maintainer with the complex of messiah and hatred towards the world That illustrates that 𝚖̶𝚒̶𝚜̶𝚎̶𝚛̶𝚊̶𝚋̶𝚕̶𝚎̶ mysterious Russian soul:github.com/zloirock/core-… 2/9 As an #opensource developer I feel his pain, but as a person, I can't understand the logic of that person.

All his life problems are direct consequences of his actions but instead of taking responsibility for them, he blames the world and greedy corporations.
Oct 4, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
I will take this out and write a thread on why I don't enjoy writing #PHP anymore.

PHP development nowadays is bumping versions, updating types, and tests. And getting out of cross-dependencies conflicts.

👇 Let's take this situation, I have my own library MyLib that is expected to support PHP 7.4 and 8+ in the same time.

Meanwhile the coollib package I depend on releases its v2 where it changes interface of the same function to incompatible one: Image
Oct 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
As of recent tweets of @elonmusk

I think it's ok that if you build your decisions by the idea of "not being the like others" the same pattern repeats when it comes to other decisions.

If we think of world as a big, corporation, Elon, what corporate culture do you encourage? @elonmusk If someone stals your assets - it's fine

If someone kills your employees - let's negotiate

If someone captures your factories - let's make workers to decide in which company they want to work in

If someone threatens you to destroy completely, just give them what they ask
Sep 13, 2022 13 tweets 9 min read
Ok, let's try something different. Useful technical/business thread for #web #makers from me.

🔌 How to build @atlassian Jira App (in #React) and business around it and why you should actually think of it!

Thread: 🧵 @Atlassian 2/12 We started @testomatio (test management system for #qa) as a classical #SaaS app but at some point, we built a Jira plugin as a complimentary interface.

The feedback from clients surprised us. Some clients preferred to use @testomatio only via Jira plugin

Why? 👇
Sep 12, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
To promote this I will tell you how we rided 3 cars to East. I started my driving lessons only year ago, with no car experience in past. Last week I drove 130-150 km/h on a dirty road following the heading car. Driving military car gets you benefits:

🛞 you never get stopped exceeding the speed limit (as there are none)

🛞 you never show your documents on outputs control (you are with the right guys)

🛞 you can travel by closed roads and bridges
Dec 2, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Я долго терпел, но вот вам тред про виды багов:


Наебаги: баги, которые ты ищешь весь день, а оказывается, что их на самом деле нет - просто кто-то не отключил впн, не в ту вкладку посмотрел, не тот проект открыл, был пьяным всё сломалось, помогите, кря. Заебаги: они постоянно приходят тебе в уведомлениях от sentry, но тебя они уже настолько заебажили, что ты даже не обращаешь на них внимания. А ЗРЯ!
Dec 2, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
The fundamental problem of #web #development:

Turning trees into tables and back

(Thread 1/6) It may seem simple as you may have some data in tables (hello, MySQL) and you want them on a web page (hi, <table>). But you start joining data from other tables and you end up displaying a tree in a table. How? You never know how to do it until you try to use that. UX!
