DD Profile picture
Pretty active for a lazy person. I code things sometimes… Grew up hearing “Irlande douze points” or was it duex points? 🇮🇪
Sep 8, 2021 35 tweets 49 min read
@FarrellPF Any idea why the NSW State Records Act was amended to allow those in parliament to destroy state records w/out prior notice or penalty? Further does the timing of the amendment coincide w/ the Badgery Creek rort? @nswicac @MichaelWestBiz
#nswpol @FarrellPF @nswicac @MichaelWestBiz @FarrellPF @MichaelWestBiz @nswicac
#nswpol #auspol #corruption
Jul 10, 2021 46 tweets 38 min read
Mathematically the delta strain has an R0 of at least 5 meaning it's an exponential problem that should have been nipped in the bud two weeks ago. abc.net.au/news/2021-06-0… The Irish Gov now recommends Vitamin D supplementation as they found Vitamin D deficiency, less then 50nmol/L, results in higher instances of hospitalization
#Sydneylockdown #covidnsw
Jul 9, 2021 9 tweets 8 min read
This peer reviewed study recommends that people increase their vitamin D intake to decrease the likelihood of hospitalization due to Covid. Supplements may be required to cover for people's lack of sun exposure #wearamask #Sydneylockdown #nswlockdown Consult your GP regarding any health advice/concerns - not some guy on the internet 👍