How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App humble note taker will be JET LAGGED AS ALL HELL but will be standing by to take notes. LOT of stuff is in the public domain -- including entire textbooks written to be Open Access, and some scholarly/teaching editions made freely available! By all means, use them if you've got them. Hell, part of my job (the @18thConnect part) is to help make more discoverable. also: of my favorites that I am turning to today with fresh, wet eyes: “Cathode,” a flash essay about teenage boys, #DnD, and all the things we don’t see until it’s too late: other thing I'm thrilled about is that as many folks know, I study #CriticalRole, publish about it, & am teaching a game storytelling course this fall. #ExandriaUnlimited is scaled so that (hopefully) I'll bring it into the classroom. @marisharay this is a brilliant idea.