Yuriy Profile picture
If you believe russians can be negotiated with or that they would stop if they ever successfully occupied all of Ukraine, you should do some history research🙏
Aug 26, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Accurate uncensored English subtitles:

How life changed in the 6 months of war, polls in moscow and Lviv

#SaveAzov #ArmUkraineNow
#GenocideOfUkrainians #russiaIsATerroristState

Translation & Writing Pod🧑‍💻 2/4🧵
Apr 23, 2022 5 tweets 5 min read
@AsamiTerajima @lapatina_ Added English subtitles for the full video of people in Azovstal bomb shelters
this is part 1/5
the rest is coming soon

@AsamiTerajima @lapatina_ English subtitles
part 2/5
Apr 22, 2022 21 tweets 6 min read
Original thread by @infrrrared on what it's like to live in in Svatove (Luhansk region of #Ukraine) under ru occupation

#StandWithUkraine #ArmUkraineNow #russia #occupation @Ukraine_DAO

There is no shooting in Svatove, but people disappear there ... 2/21
cars are hustled away, streets renamed, DSNS (ua emergency service acronym) renamed to MChS (ru equivalent), opened the banks of the so-called lnr (luhansk people's republic) and a tax office, MREO, GIBDD (ru public/state institutions) and other letter fuckery, which I ...
Apr 20, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read

Honestly, I'm not looking for Red Cross stories, they come to me on their own - a friend is volunteering in Germany in a refugee camp and tells how screwed the organisation is:

- Nurse, 3 hour shifts, twice a week. And who "doesn't need 2/4
training to give medication and treat wounds"
- Basically no one takes responsibility
- German Red Cross is the lowest low, same as ICRC
- And you feed them on their own, console them, take them by the hand and go to different departments and doctors
- They are all like
Mar 2, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
(from official facebook page, from Russian original)
Ukrainian Military Special Operations Command:
"The brotherhood of Ukrainian Special Ops says hello to Russian artillery troops!
We congratulate you: after you have covered ...

#Ukraine #Russia #StandWithUkraine #StopRussia 2/
our peaceful cities, our relatives, children and close ones with the heaviest shelling - you, worms, have become our target number one.
We'll explain, Vanyki (softer plural version of Ivan): you are kind of far away and shoot at targets you don't see. Don't see the small ...
Mar 2, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
Captured Russian soldier (2) questioned by someone behind the camera (1):
1: Base, military rank?
2: (unintelligeble) 51532 10th regiment of the special forces.
1: Spetsnaz (special forces)...

#Ukraine #Russia #StandWithUkraine #StopRussia 2/
, yes?
2: Yes.
1: Tell us, why did you come here?
(in the back): Get away!
2: I wanted to tell you that ... it turns out that, well ... the news are pushing the suspence, that, well, there's ongoing terrorism here and, well, lawlessness and that it's Ukraine itself that ...
Mar 1, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Captured Russian solider, apparently talking to his mother
Transcript (from RU):
S: I love you too. (sobs)
S: Go talk to the chief and write to the Mother's Union. Because these bitched don't even take back the 200s(mil. code...

#Ukraine #Russia #StandWithUkraine #StopRussia 2/
for dead), the dead. They fucking kill the wounded by themselves. And whether they will be exchanging the prisoners - that's a question. They just fucking killed everyone. Everyone. And they don't even take the corpses. They at least .. what the fuck did they say at all, ...
Mar 1, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Ukraine's Chief Rabbi
Full transcript (from Russian):
"Silent, I cannot stay silent anymore. I address you, dear Russians, dear Jewish, dear Russian people. Those, who care. Remember, that he who does care and he who ...

#Ukraine #Russia #StandWithUkraine #Israel #StopRussia 2/
silently agrees or agrees without silence is an accomplice to a crime, war crime, crime against humanity. And I'm not telling you from what I saw on TV, I'm telling you from what I see here. I am not afraid to die, I am not afraid to perish. I have never thought, even in my...
Mar 1, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
Dear #Russia,
Please stop doing this to your own people. You don't need to send them to die for your own empty ambition.
transcript below

#Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussia #UkraineWar 1/
M: Their bodies.
F: What fucking bodies?
M: Their bodies.
F: Will they let you go home.
M: I don't know. I hope.
F: How?!
M: I...I really want to hug you all.
F: Vynya (Ivan), you will definitely hug us.
M: I love...

#Ukraine #Russia #StandWithUkraine #StopRussia #UkraineWar
Feb 28, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Cptn: Fuck)))
We just now had another emergency call with the guys (We're waiting for all of you to return alive - msg on screen). The guys are already in Kyiv. Everything's fine. An additional Kadyrov ...

#Ukraine #Russia #StandWithUkraine #StopRussia #UkraineWar 2/
squad has arrived. We're basically sustaining now losses now. An attack is ongoing, a strong one. The guys are holding up. Well. There is a lot of untruthful information. Like Ukrainian weapons, well. I'm very glad that the Russian army is acting super well. Fuck, I'm proud...
Feb 27, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
An address by Adam Osmaev, commander of the Dzhokhar Dudayev batallion
"Peace to all who's on the right path. I would like to address Ukrainians and all people of good will. Today, in this difficult time for Ukraine, when Russia ...
#Ukraine #Russia #StandWithUkraine #Chechnya 2/
sneakily attacked Ukraine, and is trying to capture the cities, but Ukrainians are resisting heroically. In this difficult time some people of allegedly Chechen nationality, the so-called Kadyrov's People ("kadyrovtsy") also take part in this aggression against Ukraine.
I ...