GHoeberX Profile picture
Editor Interested in accurate, traceable and independent research. Since 22 January 2020 tweeting mainly about the #COVID19 pandemic
Mar 10, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
Today I came up with an idea to use existing data in a new way, and I'll start with my findings right away:

European countries are NOT detecting the vast majority of cases. The actual amount of cases in Europe is likely 3 to 7 times higher. I'll explain: What I did is calculate the current ratios for South Korea, Italy, France and Spain, in three categories:
1) Confirmed cases (=people with #COVID19) / people on intensive care
2) People on intensive care with COVID / people who died due to COVID
3) Confirmed cases / COVID deaths
Feb 6, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
This will be a long/deep tweet serie, but it's very important, not only for traders.
First, I'll explain why stocks in Europa and US are going up, almost ignoring 2019-nCoV, and second I'll explain what the investors are missing. (1/9) .. All market research firms are following the #Coronavirus very closely and many of them are expecting the #Coronavirus to slow down. They do this by studying the actual reported numbers (just like I'm doing here), rather than going by R0-models:…