Mikhail Korobko Profile picture
Quantum physicist: quantum optics, gravitational-wave detectors and foundations of quantum mechanics PhD from @UHHMIN | postdoc @UHH_LasNQ | member of @LIGO
Mar 14, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
Tools & tricks I use to search for scientific information. 🧵 1/n

1. scholar.google.com is the main tool to search for keywords & connections. But it really shines with its browser extension ...⬇️

#AcademicTwitter #physics #Science #academia #PhDAdvice 1...Google Scholar Button automatically picks up the paper you read and provides info on it. That saves a TON of time over the day. Also, "Cite" allows to immediately export the citation in bibtex. Very convenient!

2. unpaywall.org/welcome finds open access copy..⬇️ 2/n