Hutch 💰💡 Profile picture
At the bleeding edge where TradFi & DeFi merge to create your own private banking warchest.
Feb 18 19 tweets 6 min read
Want to buy $BTC cheaper,
but worried it rips higher w/o you?

This $IBIT #options strategy ensures you won't miss the ride to All-Time-Highs 🚀

🧵Here's a thread with:
· What you need to get started
· How this upside collar works
· Full risk/reward ฿reakdown👇 ฿itcoin & its ETF $IBIT has been trading in a range for the last 3 months:

· Nov 15, 2024
· Feb 14, 2025

Maybe you get lucky & buy lower

Maybe you just miss out on ATHs

This "$IBIT Upside Collar" strategy uses #options to hedge against FOMO if it breaks out of its range!
Oct 31, 2022 22 tweets 14 min read
Want to use a @Ledger w/ a Self-Directed IRA or Roth?

Learn the gray area behind "your keys your #crypto" when using the Checkbook LLC in an IRA which may be a ticking time bomb 💣

+ The black-letter-law workaround allowing you to contribute much more than $6k/year🧵👇 Nov 2021

Tax court ruled in McNulty v. Commissioner that #gold bought w/ an LLC-IRA but parked in her personal safe was a distribution.

= Tax + 10% penalty!

Let's delve deeper into the ruling to see how this applies to your #crypto private keys in a Self-Directed IRA/Roth.
May 14, 2022 16 tweets 6 min read
Some reflections from investing in the $LUNA $UST debacle. 🧵👇 1/16

DISCLOSURE: I'm a moron who lost a metric-ton of capital this week on a project currently circling the drain to $0.00, so read & heed at your own peril.☠️ 2/
#Diversification isn't sexy, but can help you live 2 fight another day

Diversify by:
-asset class (stonks, gold, crypto, stable)
-account (margin, IRA, Roth, multi-wallet)
-strategy (stake, LP, leverage, hedge)

Concentration can get you to the moon faster but far less often.
Apr 2, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
4.5-min vid on some fundamental differences between borrowing w/ $bLUNA vs. $LUNAx

Short 1/6 🧵👇 for scrollers.
YT-Video: 2/6 How these 2 tokens interact w/ staking rewards is key:

$bLUNA: emits the prevailing staking yield in $UST (which provides versatile usage throughout #Terra)

$LUNAx: converts rewards into $LUNA & auto-compounds this added exposure unto itself so its value inflates over time
Mar 25, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
I'm like "Wow, everyone withdrew their $aUST!" then I realized everyone's $bLUNA bids just got activated @TeamKujira

Pro tip: if you're not in one of the front pools, then use the "custom" feature for your activation parameters.

Instructional 🧵👇 1/7 2/7
After choosing the amount of your bid and toggling between $UST & $aUST, you'll arrive at this screen.

I always choose custom!

You'll know why after the following tweets...
Mar 25, 2022 7 tweets 6 min read
After learning about @miawtrader's $Luna-HODL, I realized how powerful an LP of 2 LPs can be if all 4 are assets you want to own anyway!

Who's going to give us open architecture to interlink whichever LPs we want for enhanced rebalancing w/ fee accrual?

Short 🧵👇 1/7 2/7
Will it be @miawtrader the originators themselves who combined both the $LUNA - $bLUNA & the $LUNA - $UST liquidity pools into their LP-Quad called $Luna-HODL?

What if they added the $LUNA - $LUNAx LP as well?

My original thread on $Luna-HODL below:
Mar 20, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
Wondering what this "LunaHODL" thingy is on @miawtrader's "LP Tower" page?

Learn how it rebalances $LUNA $bLUNA & $UST along with fee accrual?

See the gritty details in my latest video or read the 🧵 1/12👇
To enter LunaHODL you need equal dollar amounts in both the $LUNA/$UST & $bLUNA/$LUNA liquidity pools on @terraswap_io.

In his video above, Hutch tracks the difference in performance between keeping both LP positions separately vs. combining them in @miawtrader's LunaHODL.
Mar 20, 2022 11 tweets 8 min read
Wondering what this "LunaHODL" thingy is on @miawtrader's "LP Tower" page?

Learn how it rebalances $LUNA $bLUNA & $UST along with fee accrual?

See the gritty details in my latest video or read the 🧵 1/12👇
To enter LunaHODL you need equal dollar amounts in both the $LUNA/$UST & $bLUNA/$LUNA liquidity pools on @terraswap_io.

In his video above, Hutch tracks the difference in performance between keeping both LP positions separately vs. combining them in @miawtrader's LunaHODL.
Mar 19, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
🤔NFA, but if you think we're @ the bottom, this risk/reward proposition may pencil

See calculation in 🧵 but @Shigeo808 must get liquidated 3 times going down to be worse off than just HODLing the 638 $LUNA.

Even then he's risking ~55 off a 638 stack to get 863 more $LUNA. 1/6 2/6
Am I looking at this correctly?

I took the 1501 $bLUNA he looped off the original 638, and even if he got liquidated at an 8% premium 3 separate times on the way down, he'd still only have 55 less $bLUNA than he started with.
Mar 11, 2022 25 tweets 14 min read
Borrowers are rewarded & savers punished.

Both #CeFi & #DeFi's financial elite have mastered "strategic leverage". Banks themselves amplify $$$ w/ fractional reserve lending @ these rates below.

If you can't beat whale arbitragers, join 'em!
Learn how in this mega-thread🧵👇 2/ We'll be covering loans on:

- 0% Credit Cards
- Cars
- 401k
- Stock Brokerages
- Life Insurance
- Real Estate
- & On #Terra there's @anchor_protocol, @mars_protocol, @EdgeProtocol, @mirror_protocol

*(leverage amplifies the risk & reward potential of any investment strategy)
Feb 21, 2022 13 tweets 8 min read
Ser @Route2FI is onto something here with his "Quasi-Delta Neutral" tactic using $mSPY & $mVIXY.

There is so much potential with variants of @DrCle4n's original "Looped-Short" strategy if we can get some new legos onto @mirror_protocol

Here's the problem & SOLUTION in the 🧵👇 1) SPY goes⬆️wen VIXY goes⬇️and vice versa. BUT...

SPY is an ETF owning stocks to tracking the S&P 500 index (linear)

VIXY is an ETF owning futures contracts tracking the VIX, which measures market sentiment through rolling 30-day put-option pricing on the S&P 500 (non-linear).
Jan 26, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
Quick update that my "aUST+Short-mSPY" strategy @mirror_protocol worked like gangbusters. Closed all positions Monday for a tidy "uncorrelated" profit so I could manage LTV% during the crypto dump.

Scroll thru my "short" 🧵👇 for what I learned & ways to improve the strategy. 1/ 2/
The good, the bad, & the ugly:

I ended with more UST than I started with due to $aUST compounding & $mSPY falling. (Better than LPs losing value)

The BAD: $mSPY drop was so quick from when I started earlier in January that the $aUST didn't have much time to earn.
Jan 20, 2022 6 tweets 6 min read
LUNAonomics 101: A Beginner's Guide to Borrowing Against $LUNA.

This strategy can be so rewarding yet so dangerous for the uneducated. So I started with the concept & mindset before going too deep into tactics.

Share with newer #LUNAtic larva. Short🧵👇

I know there's a thriving Discord community fluent with the "LUNAonomics" strategy.

But Discord can be really daunting!.

Thankfully, "DanB" @danbryan80 spent about 45-min walking me through how it works and it's quite cool