Trapped in Covid Ground Hog Day Profile picture
#EdTech, #Privacy, Research, Raising DigiSavvy Kids--All opinions my own; Consultant, Faculty of Ed Professor, PhD Student, Ed Technologist.
Sep 26, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Antiviral pills for #COVID19 may be available soon: 3 in clinical trials, results expected as soon as late fall/winter: Merck & Ridgeback Biotherapeutics’ #molnupiravir ; Pfizer’s #PF07321332, & Roche & Atea’s #AT527… “only one antiviral drug, remdesivir, has been approved to treat #COVID. But it is given intravenously to patients ill enough to be hospitalized, & is not intended for early, widespread use. By contrast, the top contenders under study can be packaged as pills.”
Sep 25, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
#ABEd #k12 “As schools across Alberta continue to struggle with outbreaks and soaring cases of #COVID19 [in schools], no changes have been announced around increased support for identifying cases and contact tracing”… True test of “leadership” is not found in times of prosperity, health, & peace—those waters are calm & readily navigable: The true tests of leadership occurs in navigating challenge, distress, & upheaval well, at the least minimizing harms if not prospering.
Sep 25, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
When educators critique their school or institutions-& for #BCEd public #k12 can extend to comment on entire public system—even if the critique is merited—they open themselves up to legally supported discipline & possible termination. Higher exposure statements incl more risk. This legal situation extends to #postsecondary. Members of the public who call out educators for ‘not saying or doing more’ to protect students & schools vs #COVID19 need to be mindful of this risk to their employment —which some could weather far better than others.
Sep 25, 2021 12 tweets 11 min read
@prof_nch (1/?) Profs thinking it’s ok to exercise privilege & unmask to teach in indoor classroom of students who must attend or possibly fail class—either have COMPLETELY NO understanding that 1)#aerosol is main transmission route for #COVID19; 2) how aerosol transmission actually works; @prof_nch (2/?) 3) #Delta is hypertransmissible with rate of 1 infecting on avg 5-7 more vs earlier strains 2-3 more; 4) most infected don’t know they’re infected when they are at their most infectious because symptoms only show after peak infectiousness—if ppl not asymptomatic; …
Sep 25, 2021 8 tweets 6 min read
@prof_nch Unfortunately, #BC #PHO made a ministerial exemption for profs/presenters/lecturers to unmask while teaching if they maintain a 2m barrier or are behind ‘a barrier’. I have objected to this not only on the science but also on the ethics. @prof_nch When faculty colleagues signaled their unmasking exemption interests via email—I pointed out the power bias of STUDENTS being put in the position to police faculty for maintaining 2m—which is a LOT farther than people think. Brought in a 2m cardboard tube to demo to my students.
Sep 25, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
“People who choose not to get the #COVID19 vaccine due to personal preferences or “singular beliefs” do not have a right to accommodations under Ontario’s human rights law, the province’s rights watchdog says”… “While human rights law prohibits discrimination based on creed — someone’s religion, or a non-religious belief system that shapes their identity, world view and way of life — personal preferences or singular beliefs do not amount to a creed, the commission said”
Sep 25, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
What #DrBHenry ‘s ‘recovered’ can look forward to: #COVID19 Could Trigger Autoimmune Disease Even After Recovery, Stanford Univ Study Shows | IFLScience… “Within a week after checking in at the hospital, about 20 % of [hospitalized COVID-19] patients had developed new antibodies to their own tissues that weren't there day they were admitted… autoantibody levels were similar to what you'd see in a diagnosed autoimmune disease.”
May 27, 2021 12 tweets 9 min read
They Told Their Therapists Everything. Hackers Leaked It All | WIRED #privacy… 10/2020 #Vastaamo announced catastrophic #databreach : “exposed its entire patient database to the open internet—not just email addresses and social security numbers, but the actual written notes that therapists had taken” #privacy #counselling #tech
May 26, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
#BC ought to be grateful for work of @PennyDaflos asking hard questions & keeping officials accountable to truth & science during #COVID19 👉👉… #DrBHenry gaslit #BC that she would ‘follow the science’: “Responses from British Columbia officials are part of a damning analysis on the reluctance by public health to acknowledge the airborne transmission of #COVID19 despite scientific consensus on the matter.”