John Lang Profile picture
@NetZeroTracker lead @ECIU_UK. Projects: @ClimateTrunk, @e_nviro, @ConsultClimate, @KiwisinClimate. Truth over tribe.🥝
Mar 20, 2023 7 tweets 13 min read
Thank you to the @IPCC_CH's 700+ experts from 90 nations for completing #AR6. A multilateral tour de force of #ClimateScience.

Here are 5 #infographics that help explain the individual reports captured in this #IPCC cycle.

A synthesis of the synthesis 🤔 is in the works! 1) Global Warming of 1.5°C (2018) #SR15…

Working with @SISeneviratne, @JoeriRogelj, @MelichatGo and countless others. We translated into five languages aside from English: Mandarin, Arabic, Russian, Spanish and French @BMHayward
Aug 16, 2022 22 tweets 21 min read
Does the enormously complex issue of #climatechange have to be presented to policymakers, and therefore the public, as the behemoth it really is?

Today I released my second #infographic explainer on the @IPCC_CH #AR6 reports.…

#SummaryForPeople 🧵 The amazing @skepticscience is even featuring it today, with added commentary, a real honour for a mere student of scientist.…

@theresphysics @BaerbelW @johnfocook @KenCaldeira
Aug 9, 2022 13 tweets 14 min read
#OnThisDay a year ago the @IPCC_CH released its report on #climatescience. Governments endorsed then largely ignored.

How do we get IPCC summaries across to apes with smartphones, especially those roaming corridors of power for whom they're intended? 🧵… With much difficulty. But visuals help. They not only steal attention, they have the ability to go directly into long-term memory where they're indelibly etched.

@KateRaworth @waitbutwhy @jamespeshaw
Dec 12, 2018 12 tweets 5 min read
1/11 Introducing Climate Contrarianism 101: "A genuinely sceptical approach means NOT turning scepticism on your own beliefs." #Denied @ChloeFarand @thegwpfcom @aDissentient @DavidRoseUK @_richardblack @DeSmogUK 2/11 Introducing Climate Contrarianism 101: #1 Select-Ignore-Inflate #TheTricksoftheCherryTrade