Dr. Giordon Stark Profile picture
I smash tiny things fast to make a mess I can take a pic of. #Deaf, #ParticlePhysics #PostDoc @UCSC_SCIPP working on the @ATLASexperiment @CERN. he/him/point.
Feb 14, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
🧵 A 6-year journey to getting a paper out with the @ATLASexperiment involving the #statisticalcombination with 12(!!) analyses.

Alt text will contain the caption for all figures in this thread, the pdf version of these figures can be found at

1/16 atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/P…
Table 1: The electroweak SUSY production modes considered, along with the multiple decay modes and final states used for the statistical combination. I like to think this story starts with @hance_mike hiring me as a postdoc at @UCSC_SCIPP in 2018 while he was reigning as the co-convener for the Electroweak group of Supersymmetry within the ATLAS Collaboration.

But at this time, Run 2 was nearing it's end... 2/16
Sep 25, 2019 18 tweets 6 min read
So I'm at a physics conference this week in Lecce, Italy. Some of you wonder how that works given that I'm Deaf and probably don't know Italian Sign Language. Well... 1/N #deaf #interpreters #asl #access #physics In most cases, I can just request ASL interpreters (yes, American Sign Language interpreters) months in advance. Who pays for it? Good question. That's something I've fortunately been mostly kept out of the loop on, rather than the discussions that happen at the conference! 2/N