DoD Postdoc @DanaFarber @harvardmed | Immunology, Genetics, Single-cell genomics | Rare kidney cancers | art @doodlephd | BTech @iitmbt, PhD Dal
Jul 6, 2020 • 8 tweets • 5 min read
I learned about #WilmaRudolph yesterday. For those who don't know her, she was an #Olympic gold medalist & first #American woman to win three gold medals in track and field at a single Olympics. However, her road to success was a rocky one... (1) #blackpride#MondayMotivaton
Born in 1940 as a premature baby, she was diagnosed with pneumonia, scarlet fever & infantile paralysis due to which she had braces on the left foot and could not walk. Doctors had no hope on her walking again. Even after she overcame polio.... (2) #blackpride#MondayMotivation