Political scientist. Policy school exec director. Cat lover. Author of #AcademiaMadeEasier newsletter. Fully vaccinated. She/her.
Dec 2, 2021 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
Some thoughts about living with invisible illness and academia... 🧵
I've lived with autoimmune disease for two decades. I have always felt it was something I needed to hide in my career - a sign of weakness, something that might make people not want to work with me or give me opportunities. (I blame The West Wing, but that is another story). 2/🧵
Mar 31, 2021 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
In a Zoom meeting this week, my (amazing) colleague @jim_farney used a very cool technique for a balanced group discussion. He called it "problem spaghetti". Here is how it works: (1/n)
#AcademicTwitter#AcademiaMadeEasier#zoommeeting1. Meeting chair poses question (e.g. “What is your feedback on X?”). Everyone types their response in the chat but does NOT hit share. 2. After 3 mins, chair asks everyone to share. 3. Group takes a few minutes to quietly read everyone’s responses. (2/n)
Dec 31, 2020 • 12 tweets • 8 min read
I am a big believer in doing focused work during work time and then NOT working evenings and weekends. Here are some of the tools and practices that I find useful with this (thread)...
I get a *lot* of email and I have tried a lot of email systems over the years. This year I started using a modified version of the Stack Method and it is working very well for me.
Ph.D. students: this holiday season, devote a few hours to reading Work Your Career by @JonathanMalloy and me. (Many libraries have it.) The book teaches you how to maximize your agency throughout your program.
The first class is a great opportunity for faculty/instructors to set the tone for the rest of the semester.
Here are some suggestions for creating a welcoming, positive environment. 1/12
@AcademicChatter#AcademicTwitter#TeachingHigherEd1. Show up to class early. Get set up and then use the remaining time to individually introduce yourself to students. Shake hands, tell them your name, ask their name, and tell them you are happy to have them in the class. Repeat for as many students as time permits. 2/12