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Dec 2nd 2021
Some thoughts about living with invisible illness and academia... 🧵

#AcademicTwitter @AcademicChatter #AcademicChatter #phdchat #phdlife #MultipleSclerosis
I've lived with autoimmune disease for two decades. I have always felt it was something I needed to hide in my career - a sign of weakness, something that might make people not want to work with me or give me opportunities. (I blame The West Wing, but that is another story). 2/🧵
This year I started my #AcademiaMadeEasier newsletter, with ideas to make academic work a bit easier with small steps to promote productivity & protect work-life balance. From the start, I was very open about the fact that I live with chronic disease. 3/🧵…
Read 8 tweets
Mar 31st 2021
In a Zoom meeting this week, my (amazing) colleague @jim_farney used a very cool technique for a balanced group discussion. He called it "problem spaghetti". Here is how it works: (1/n)

#AcademicTwitter #AcademiaMadeEasier #zoommeeting
1. Meeting chair poses question (e.g. “What is your feedback on X?”). Everyone types their response in the chat but does NOT hit share.
2. After 3 mins, chair asks everyone to share.
3. Group takes a few minutes to quietly read everyone’s responses. (2/n)
4. Chair selects either a common theme or particularly important item & focuses discussion on that point. Items of agreement and/or items not requiring discussion are NOT discussed further.
5. Chat comments are saved & shared with the full group after the meeting is done. (3/n)
Read 5 tweets

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