Luca Hammer Profile picture
Twitter was my special interest. New home: Scientific Programmer @sfb1472 |
Konrad Paumann Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 2, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
Next week, there won't be a free Twitter API anymore. As a result, I will stop any work on non-commercial projects that use the API and will have to re-evaluate which commercial projects are still feasible.

This change will destroy research, activism and commercial projects. Important todo for you: Make sure that you don't use Twitter to log into any services that are important to you.

Go to… to see all apps that you logged into and make sure that the important ones have at least one other login option (eg mail/password).
Jul 31, 2022 19 tweets 6 min read
If you can't/don't want to withstand the current toxicity on Twitter, here are some options:

- Reduce the attack surface
- Take a break
- Use an alternative account
- Switch to the Fediverse

Let me explain them. /1 Reduce the attack surface

The easier it is to interact with you, the easier it is to hurt you. Taking your account private is the strongest option, but there are other things that can still improve your experience.

Mute notifications from most people… /2 Muted notifications Mute no...
Jul 29, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Not really #MemeTracking, but I found a first version of "I open and close Twitter like a fridge" from 2009. Back then with a positive punchline. A different version in 2008, where Twitter was described more of filled with quick hits, but nothing with depth.
May 14, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
I am just another animal that sees the bait and can't but die.

How do you define "fake accounts"? In the past Musk talked about "spam bots" (maybe accepting that there are non spam ones) in contrast to "real humans" (are there non real humans?). How do you draw a random sample of Twitter accounts? The IDs aren't sequential anymore, so that doesn't work. Spam accounts are more active than non spam accounts; Every activity based sample (Tweets, Followers) will overrepresent them.

Let's look at Musk's solution.
Mar 17, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
Which tool do you use to manage scanned documents? I am currently looking into

ocrmypdf-auto… # Setup
I failed at setting up papermerge. Because I am lazy, that means it's out.

Teedy was easy to setup.

PaperlessNG needed minimal command line configuration (user,pass) and a redis container.

I skipped ocrmypdf-auto for now.
Feb 7, 2021 17 tweets 10 min read
I am collecting papers about blocking/banning as a form of community management. Please send me anything you have on that topic.

As I go through them, I am going to add interesting ones to this thread. "Online Harassment and Content Moderation: The Case of Blocklists" by @shagunjhaver, @suchetaghoshal, @asbruckman and Eric Gilbert.

What are blocklists, how do they work, why do people use them and how to people feel who get blocked.…
Jul 16, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Twitter postponed the launch of the new #TwitterAPI, which was planned for today. But they published a blogpost with what to expect.

In this thread I will share what I am most excited about. /0 An API that grows with you. In the past you had to switch between APIs, as your data needs increased. For me that meant switching back and forth between Standard and Premium API. The new will allow me to use the same endpoint and only change the access level. /1
May 25, 2020 16 tweets 4 min read
Which combinations trigger the COVID-19 info label? 5G plus a Corona term for example. But adding “fak_enews" (no underline), removes it again. 5G Corona
Apr 30, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Free startup idea: Online course for celebrities how to monetize their telegram channels full of gullible fans that neither trust science nor media. /s - Every bad review or investigation is an attack against you and only proves that you are right.
- Sell any product by claiming it helps against whatever you tell them to fear.
- Ask people to just give you money, because your fight against the evil powers is expensive. /s
Apr 11, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Let the markets do their thing. Give the money to the people and it will trickle up to the companies who provide the people with the things and services they need. Austria plans to give a billion euros to an airline. Instead it could give each employee 100k€. Let the employees decide, if they want to rescue their airline or do something else. Rescue the planet for example.

Mar 13, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
According to a simulation by TU Wien and dwh, reducing social interactions by 25% would reduce the maximum of concurrent Covid-19 cases from 2M to 360k in Austria.…… without measurements to reduce social contacts: 2 million infected at end of may.<br />
with 10% reduction of social contacts: 1.2 million<br />
with 25% reduction: 360 thousand infected in summer People who found this research interesting also followed @niki_popper.
Jan 7, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
There were some questions about the data analysis I did for this Spiegel article:….

I collected them and try to answer them in this thread. /0 I used the Twitter Standard API to collect the Tweets. The full query was: “OmaUmweltsau OR umweltsau OR nazisau OR wdr OR wdr2 OR UmweltsauOma OR UmweltsauGate OR k2912 OR TomBuhrow OR Buhrow”.

Time frame 2019-12-27 6am to 2019-12-30 6am. /1
Nov 16, 2019 10 tweets 11 min read
German first aid kit against social media attacks

Kümmern sich um das Stellen von Strafanzeigen.

Beratung und Finanzierung von Zivilklagen.

Beratung und Unterstützung in Österreich.

Entschärfen durch Counterspeech und Solidarität. @hassmelden @HateAid @Verein_ZARA Ihr könnt alle Projekte finanziell unterstützen und/oder mitarbeiten.





Bonus: @freiheitsrechte .
Nov 6, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
I wanted to push my latest two tutorials to Medium because my older articles got some views there. I stopped using it as the first place to publish something, when they introduced their signup wall.

They turned off the WordPress-to-Medium plugin, so I had to use the manual import. Which worked okay.

But then they told me, that I have to enable the metered paywall for may articles, if I want them to be distributed to more people than only my followers.
Nov 5, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
A student asked me how to collect old Tweets with the Twitter Premium API, so I wrote a tutorial how to get started with the Twitter Premium API.

Looking forward to your feedback.… #python #twitter #datascience Because the collection of Tweets is only the first step, I shared my script that creates a dynamic Retweet network from the jsonl-file.

Have fun.… #gephi #gexf #python
Oct 31, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
Insights into a polish astroturfing company. Journalist Katarzyna Pruszkiewicz worked there undercover for six months. 14 people managed about 200 fake profiles to push the agendas of their clients.

Polish article:…
English will be published by @guardian. Depending on how well they are executed, such operations are nearly impossible to identify from outside. They are more dangerous than automated spam (aka bots).

The article shows how such operations are often embedded into other marketing activities. /1
Sep 3, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
ML: This account has a probability of 30% to be a bot.

Me: The Account is active 24/7. It tweets at least two times per hour. Most of the tweets are posted through an app that nobody else uses. It claims to be a bot.

But it's not fully automated and something is suspicious. /1 When you only look at the Tweets through the allegedly bot interface, there is a wake-sleep pattern in addition to the 24/7 activity. Obviously in a different time zone than me. Probably America.

That pattern matches the wake-sleep pattern of the account when used manually. /2
Jul 5, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
An account that can't be blocked. Interesting. #twitter #bug After reloading the account is unblocked again. Other actions don't work either. Following increases the follow count but the account isn't followed.
May 23, 2019 10 tweets 6 min read
Investigation by @LarsWienand and @markusreuter_ into suspicious Twitter activities surrounding the so called AfD.

I supported them by analysing retweets and accounts. #FakeprofileFürDieAfd Article by @LarsWienand about #FakeprofileFürDieAfd.
May 17, 2019 14 tweets 9 min read
May 5, 2019 14 tweets 6 min read
Twitter is has locked several accounts in Germany because of misleading content about elections.

Most prominent examples: @RAStadler
and @SawsanChebli.

In this thread I try to show different perspectives, because reality is complex. /1 Misleading content about elections isn't a new rule by Twitter.

Because the Twitter rules state that users must adhere to local laws and there is a German law against misleading voters it always was prohibited.…… /2