Martin O'Neill Profile picture
dad of four; professor of political philosophy @uniofyork; board member @democracycollab; co-author w/ @joecguinan @commwealthbldng; for equality & democracy
Nov 24, 2019 9 tweets 10 min read
On #VotingTactically - a Tale of Five Constituencies, where the #RemainAlliance between the Lib Dems, Plaid, and the Greens @unitetoremain is going to make a Tory government and Johnson's hard Brexit *more* likely rather than less likely. #GE19 #GE2019 (1) #Stroud: a Lab-Con marginal held by @DavidEDrew for Labour. The Lib Dems are standing down for @MollyMEP (@TheGreenParty), BUT if you want to stop the Tories and their hard Brexit in Stroud, the only reasonable option is to vote for @UKLabour. Any other vote helps the Tories.
May 19, 2018 26 tweets 16 min read
On the newly-renationalized (✊😊💯👍!) East Coast rail, heading home to York after a very stimulating day at the @UKLabour #StateOfTheEconomy conference, it seemed like a good moment to reflect on this week's @TheEconomist piece on 'Corbynomics' (THREAD)… The first thing to say is that @duncanrobinson & @econcallum are to be congratulated on a serious piece of analysis, which avoids the parade of dismal, lazy clichés that we see in so many other publications. Serious political journalism shouldn't be so rare, but it's good to see!
Mar 16, 2018 33 tweets 18 min read
Here's a THREAD on the #USS Trustees, powerful individuals whose role has been insufficiently examined, and who have been operating without the full benefits of public scrutiny.

#USSstrikes #USSstrike #WeAreTheUniversity #StrikeForUSS #DemocratiseUSS #DemocratizeUSS

👇👇👇 As the #USS dispute goes on, it's clearer than ever that the institutions that govern our pensions have been failing us in multiple ways. They are secretive, non-transparent, marked by conflicts of interest and revolving doors. We need to open up and #DemocratizeUSS.
Mar 14, 2018 19 tweets 16 min read
This looks like good news from @TPRgovuk, opening the door to a #USS deal on the basis of the Sept 2017 valuation involved in the initial @UCU recovery plan, if only the remaining hold-out VCs will accept this. 1/x But we should in any case beware one kind of mistake which comes from treating @TPRgovuk as some unmovable exogenous constraint on a #USS deal. (1) The #tPR view itself is in part a function of VC’s avowed positions on risk levels. 2/x
Mar 8, 2018 12 tweets 11 min read
The #USSstrike has got many people thinking for the first time about pension governance, and about the agenda for overhauling the pension system that the left is going to have to pursue in the years ahead. Here's a thread with some useful reading.

#USS #StrikeforUSS #USSstrikes Great post by @ewanmcg on @LSEpoliticsblog on the context of the #USS strike, issues in #USS governance, and the rent-extraction of financial intermediaries.…