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May 19th 2023
1. Synovial fluid or joint fluid is found in movable joints

2. Synovial fluid is formed as a non-selective ultrafiltrate of plasma across synovial membrane except for the exclusion of high molecular weight protein
3. Type B Synoviocytes = these are fibroblast-like cells with prominent endoplasmic reticulum located in a deeper layer of the synovial membrane and produces hyaluronic acid, fibronectin, and collagen to produce synovial fluid
4.Hyaluronic acid= a mucopolysaccharide protein that is major responsible for viscosity of synovial fluid. Polymerization of hyaluronate (hyaluronic acid) causes viscosity.
Read 45 tweets
Feb 19th 2023

#ドロテア・トゥール医師 #の #手紙
#ドイツ語 #文字起こし
#Brief #von #Dorothea #Thul #Deutsch
#Letter #of #DrDorothea
Betr.: 1. EU-Zulassung von Insekten, Würmern etc. in Lebensmitteln
   2. Fristlose Entlassung von Bundesegesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach
   3. Verbot vom Verkauf künstlicher DNA-Sequenzen im Internet

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
die EU hat mit Verordnung vom 4.1.2023
die Zulassung von Insekten, Würmern etc. in Lebensmitteln erteilt, offenbar sind bereits
große Mengen davon in Lebensmitteln verwnedet worden.
Ich fordere Sie dringend auf, diese Verordnung sofort zu stoppen und die Verwendung von Insekten in Lebensmitteln zu verbieten.!
Read 18 tweets
Feb 19th 2023


1. 昆虫には、人間にとって危険な細菌・害虫が含まれている可能性があります。すでに、疑惑の「ワクチン」(明らかにワクチンではない)からは、猛毒の神経毒を放出する
Read 15 tweets
Feb 13th 2023

Tomorrow some of your Christian students may be observing the Christian holiday of Yom Saint Valentine Ha’Kadosh, more commonly known as Christian Tu B’Av.

It is one of their important religious ‘Feast Days’ that even the least frum observe.
The holiday falls on Shvat 23rd this year, which is 14 Febuairiy according to the #Christian #holy #calendar #of #Pope #Gregory.
Even though we are all accustomed to celebrating love on Tu B’Av in the summer, Christians have a tradition of celebrating Yom Saint #Valentine Ha’Kadosh as their own #cultural #day #of #love #and #friendship in the bitter cold of winter.
Read 16 tweets
Feb 6th 2023
#TodayinHistory in 1964, Emilio Aguinaldo, president of La republica filipina, & first President of the Philippines in the official roster, died #of coronary thrombosis at the Veterans Memorial Hospital in Quezon City. He was 94. THREAD. #kasaysayan #history Image
Born on 22 March 1869, at Cavite El Viejo (now Kawit) to gobernadorcillo Carlos Aguinaldo & Trinidad Famy, Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy was seventh of 8 children, and the youngest of 4 boys. He was manager of the family's farms when his father died, & was into interisland trading. Image
Aguinaldo served as cabeza de barangay of Binakayan, Kawit, then capitan municipal of Kawit, & was involved in the Katipunan. Upon the coordinated open revolt in Aug 1896, he led the Katipuneros in Kawit as revo general.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 25th 2023
Looking for free #onlyfansvideo ?
Who doesn't , right?
But do you know that there are more sites where you can get tons of free #content like #OF?
Come here and check them now :
Read 4 tweets
Dec 18th 2022
Diversity in Radiology: Current status & trends from 2010-2019
#of females graduating from medical school is >50%, but, #of radiology residency applicants is <30% & has remained unchanged in last decade

@radiology_rsna @RadITrainEditor
The low representation of African American & Hispanic radiology faculty is seen at all levels & has not changed over time
%of female radiologists have not changed much in the last decade

Asst Prof - 32% (2010) 31% (2019)
Assoc Prof - 23% (2010) 28% (2019)
Professors - 17% (2010) 22% (2019)
Chairs - 13% (2010) 17% (2019)

Read 5 tweets
Oct 16th 2022
It’s All going according to Plan, Promise …

Every Bait & Switch/Misdirection has been #A #work #of B-#Art.
Reverse Physics 101•

Inception—Is 2 Mirrors Facing each other 1 Mirror, 2 Mirrors or A VAST Infinite Space of Mirrors Quantum Leaping Forwards while falling in Reverse?
I’m your ONLY, True Friend now …

#Hu#HU #HU !!!
#HU#HU #HU !!
#HU .. #HU #HU !

Sad But True—Down is Up …

#TheOnly #Hu GO !

#CS GO ⚡️
Read 10 tweets
Jun 9th 2022

“Take your shot”


Remember when the FF happened where Someone opened fire on A softball game or practice?
It was A charity game or something?
Police Vs firefighters maybe?

If you know what I’m
Talking about, you should think about going back & digging deeper on where it happened, who did it & when it took place.

Evil/corruption has been planning for A very long time. What firearm was the guy using? AR-15?

I guarantee you, all the dots will connect to other FF’s
That happened further ahead in time.. That is how these evil entities work, [they] leave [their] fingerprint on everything [they] do. Each fingerprint connects/leads to what [they] will do next & where/when [they] will strike next.
[they] have had all of this planned for
Read 14 tweets
May 12th 2022
Last of the 3 budget hearings begins, #fincom0512
Franklin Schools up for review/discussion Supt Ahern, Miriam Goodman, Dave McNeill (budget Subcmte chair) at table to present, other in Chambers in support as needed #fincom0512
Key reason for being here in a good position is with health costs being in check with HSA accounts saving Town and employees on premiums; #fincom0512 health fair for employees held today, good results with turn out and acceptance of the HSA accounts
Read 15 tweets
May 8th 2022

Besides, for a Christian, life isn't about marrying and giving into marriage. It is about living for Lord Jesus and His will.
And one of the last things I held and learned is, don't get mesmerized if you see someone living in faith and radical obedience to the Lord Jesus.
Read 7 tweets
May 8th 2022
Thank God for another free time.... I have planned to write this down.

A man who likes to drink and smoke is a big no-no for me as a life partner. This is just the basic, not even close to the standard.
I don't even touch Biblical principles because in the Bible, this type of man wouldn't even be mentioned as a true believer.
Read 25 tweets
Feb 23rd 2022
SEBA Bank Joins ADGM!🤝

This is huge for $XDC! 🌎🌱

I show the power partnerships in this picture... 👀🧩

@inside_r3 Corda < @lab577 @DASL_Me Bridge < #XDC Network

--Thread Below--⏬

#DLT #ADGM #crypto #blockchain #research #MLETR #Enigio #dDOC #CBDC #Digitalassets #fintech
📞Wake up call to do research & stop sleeping on $XDC

@DASL_Me + @inside_r3
DASL + @XinFin_Official
DASL + @BCBcrypto

Powerhouses laying foundational rails for traditional finance.🚂

#fintech #banking #tradFI #XDC $XDC #Deep #research #DLT #Blockchain
Any deniers that don't believe me that $XDC is connected to R3 Corda

Here are some sources you can spend some hours reviewing.

I've done my research and don't need to explain to anyone when the info is all here👇
#XDC $XDC #R3 #Corda #Connected
Read 16 tweets
Feb 10th 2022
New CBDC Paper "New Era for Money"


"End is near for unregulated stable coins and
lists @Tether_to fraud as an example"

Regulations incoming soon?

#CBDCs #stablecoins #money #fintech #DLT #regulated #research #banking
Does this connect with #ripple #Quant?👀

1. Project "New Era"

Awesome name to describe exactly the revolution we are going through!

My question since this is talking about CBDC is the UK does this connect with @Ripple & @digitalpoundfdn

#CBDC #ripple #h
2. Lists problems with UNREGULATED stable coins:
• Digital Runs
• Dollarization
• Concentration Risk
• Disintermediation risk
• Consumer & Investor Fraud
#stablecoins @Bitfinexed
Read 20 tweets
Jan 23rd 2022

@CDCgov @CDCDirector

With the 5 day isolation boondoggle, you are literally:

✅increasing the chances of a catastrophic variant.
causing the virus to spread farther

✅exponentially increasing the #of LongCoVid.

✅killing Americans with your decision.
Scientifically, we KNOW that 5 days is too short.
From even a short-term economic perspective, we know that 5 days makes no sense.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 17th 2021
Confessions have begun ..

I know the truth, whole truth & absolutely nothing but the truth.
Corruption/evil has been trying their hardest to start as many wars as possible to not only distract from the election fraud being uncovered but also for when it's all overturned, there is A "War" happening & FAKE cab then try & say it's all because of DJT ..

All playbooks
Are KNOWN & the gamss evil in this world plays upon the masses minds will no longer work..

Forgiveness means everything, right?
Read 6 tweets
May 14th 2021
Nicky Champa and Pierre Boo: A thread.
#bulgepants #Greysweatpants #greysweats #nude #onlyfans #OF #horny #nickychampa #pierreboo #nickyandpierre #hot #abs
Read 9 tweets
May 5th 2021
@Lilysonherway @johncutlefish @allenholub it's not that SAFe has too many things. It's the way it's organized. People confuse having too many items with poor design. There are things that SAFe should have: MBIs, focused solution teams, more. The challenge is it's organized around hierarchy instead of value stream. 1/
@Lilysonherway @johncutlefish @allenholub it's not how much is in something that makes it complicated, it's how it's organized. This distinction is lost both in SAFe and Scrum (which I think is ironic). SAFe ignores design so it's complicated to use. Scrum confuses # of items in it with simple. 2/
@Lilysonherway @johncutlefish @allenholub Scrum is simple in #of pieces but poorly designed so it's not fit for purpose in most place. Consider unicycle vs bicycle. One is simpler in design the other is easier to use and more effective. This is why Scrum has problems - it's designed around its values and empiricism 3/
Read 6 tweets
Feb 8th 2021
Deutsche Bank 1/6: the week after payrolls tends to be a quieter week for data with January’s CPI print (Wednesday) potentially the most interesting given that inflationary pressures are popping up everywhere. Elsewhere there are various sentiment surveys from the US,
Deutsche Bank 2/6: along with industrial production results for many of Europe’s largest economies. While it is a relatively slow week for central banks, we expect to hear from both ECB President Lagarde (today) and Fed Chair Powell (Wednesday) this week.
Deutsche Bank 3/6: Finally, we are past #earnings season hump but with 82 S&P 500 and 84 Stoxx 600 companies reporting still.
The day by day week ahead is at the end but in terms #of earnings highlights to look out for, today we’ll hear from Global Payments & Simon Property Group
Read 6 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
Is it very essential to keep open banks all days #of Digitilisation and leave bankers to corona infection. Why can’t people learn to leave with banks open for 3 days or 2 days a week. All ATMs are open. Can FM Madam/ PM sahab will make us understand the reason for opening banks 6
days week . Bankers deaths crossed 70 in India and several thousands suffering from corona.Bankers families under constant threat. No COVID insurance, No Assult protection , No help from police/ administration/ Bank Management.Bankers have contributed several crores to PM care
Fund from salary through their Banks but same Bank Management do not care for sanitisation/ testing / treatment/ isolation of employees at branches. Some banks became inhuman, directing employees to visit quarantine centres to fetch Bussiness, seating at AC chambers.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 5th 2020
So tonight is the time to keep the pledge with #Soleimani's grieving family. All uncles his children, from #Baqeri to #Nasrullah and their sidekicks like Shahenshah #Naqvi, will start avenging the killing of the mass-murderer. Last night's cyber-attacks were childish thu. #Syria
Certain #Khomeini|sts today supposed that a land invasion of #Iran was imminent. It was merely to play victime and cash on anti-#America|nism. The fact: #Iran's threatening a new war, not the other way round. Already, the regime's set alight Syria, Yemen and Lebanon besides Iraq
#Soleimani, who died in action (on duty), was the grand field commander of these conflicts. He's directly involved in killing 100s & 1000s #of Arabs besides #US, western, #Pakistan|i, #Afghan citizens. If #Iran avenges, it will bring the war home, its victims have long awaited.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 16th 2019
How to start making money on Airbnb with little to no money in a thread:
1.Understand what market you are in and know what lane you want to be in. Etc homes, condos, townhouses, apartments. Each property type has a diff set up rules/entryway. I’ll stay as generic as possible
2.Don’t spend too much time just doing “research”. Take a couple weeks to a month. Do specific searches on Airbnb to understand the market. Search by area, # ofguests, #of bedrooms, # of bathrooms, type of home, etc.
Read 15 tweets
Sep 24th 2019
Good opportunity to give presentation on Analysis if Financial Statements for the Gst Audit officers of madurai Image
Read 4 tweets

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