Nah. Profile picture
May 9, 2024 17 tweets 3 min read
Based on interactions that I’ve recently seen in social media, I can safely say that I’ve never been more convinced that people formed in white. North American #evangelicalism are uniformly committed to a framework of belief that is about control, moralism, and shame. 1/x It doesn’t matter what stream it is. The dominant reformed and neo reformed spaces, the general conservative nondenominational, or southern Baptist vibe, or the so-called moderate neoanabaptist spaces, or the huffy schismatic anglivan splinters #evangelicals 2/x
Mar 6, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
The need to “appear” isn’t solely a personality structure in the discrete individual person. It’s also a demand and product of the church social system that forms the person too. Leaders are products of these communities. 1/x Nobody seems to ever want to interrogate the fact that groups called churches create their leaders by virtue of their collective beliefs/demands/values/expectations. It’s not an outside infection of an otherwise neutral or righteous group of people called “church”. 2/x
May 17, 2023 9 tweets 7 min read
#ProLife #ProFamily #Freedom I want every family to get 1300 dollars a month for every child until they are 25. #ProLife #ProFamily
May 16, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
1/8 🧠#TraumaAwareness🧠: #Trauma impacts us in complex, multifaceted ways. Advancements in neuroscience tell us it's not just an emotional experience, but a deeply physiological one. Let's talk about why we need to acknowledge this, even within religious contexts. #evangelicals 2/8 Understanding #trauma means understanding the brain. Neuroplasticity shows our experiences, including trauma, literally reshape our brains. It's not 'all in your head,' it's 'also in your brain.' This isn't a matter of faith or opinion, it's established science. #evangelicals
May 3, 2023 10 tweets 6 min read
LET'S EXPLORE🌿Understanding #Grief🌿 The Dual Process Model of grief, developed by Margaret Stroebe and Henk Schut, suggests that grief is a dynamic process of oscillating between 2 types of coping: loss-oriented, restoration-oriented. 1/10 💔Loss-Orientation💔 involves focusing on the pain of losing a loved one. This includes feelings of sadness, yearning, and longing. Acknowledge these feelings and give yourself permission to grieve. It's essential for healing. #grief #GriefSupport 2/10
May 2, 2023 11 tweets 7 min read
1/ 🌟 Thread: Disenfranchised Grief 🌟

Let's dive into the world of #grief that isn't openly acknowledged or socially supported, known as "disenfranchised grief". We'll cover its definition, examples, and ways to support people experiencing it. 🤗 #MentalHealth #Support 2/ 🧠 Origin of the Concept

The concept of disenfranchised #grief was first introduced by Dr. Kenneth J. Doka. He recognized the unique challenges faced by those experiencing grief that wasn't openly acknowledged or validated by society. #DisenfranchisedGrief #GriefEducation