Satya Patel MD, MPH Profile picture
Hospitalist, Obesity Physician. Write about operational excellence and innovation in healthcare. let’s connect. DMs are open
Dec 12, 2022 11 tweets 12 min read
It's time for new job signing by final-year residents. A non-compete is one of the important discussion points

It should be totally removed from Hospital-based physicians. It's a big win-win for health systems and physicians.

Why? read this thread.

#MedTwitter #healthcare Image Non-compete agreement --> it is meant to prevent physicians to compete with their old employers.

#ER Docs
#Neurologists based at hospitals & others

These specialties don't compete or take patients with them once they leave their current job.

Why? Image
Nov 12, 2022 14 tweets 7 min read
Trying to retain your hospitalist???

Many #Hospitals and health systems struggling to retain hospitalists, why new thinking is needed?

I have made it easy for you.

@ACHEConnect @PhysiciansLead @BeckersHR @TodaysHospital Why retain a #hospitalist?
- cost 50 to 100 k in lost productivity, recruitment of new hire
- extra cost of having #Locums and #PRNs
- Quality of care may be affected
- LOS increases by .5 days or more as per data
-takes from 6 to 12 months to get the replacement
- unstable team
Nov 12, 2022 21 tweets 6 min read
Searching for a #hospitalist Job? I have made it easy for you. Too many options to choose from.

Top Factors to look for in the job.

#MedTwitter, @BeckersHR @NY_Hospital_Job @TodaysHospital @acphospitalist @ahahospitals Not every hospitalist's job is the same.

#patient Volume:
- in 12-hour shifts, 15-18 encounters are common
- above 18, difficult to provide quality of care and high risk for errors and burnout risk
-it's okay to have a few days with a high census, but not with every day.