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🦽 Heretical Views on Drug & Health Policy | Interests: Science, Systems, & Villainy | Project @NAAC_HQ
Dec 28, 2022 34 tweets 10 min read

Expert opinions misaligned with CDC & its low & no evidence guidelines are deemed “false information” by those who run simulations in the public consciousness via social & legacy media.

Public health has maimed & killed for nearly a century with no accountability. 🧵 Everyone has likely heard of the Tuskegee Study. A whitewashed name for what was once known, according to CDC, as the “Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male.”

It began in 1932 under the management of the federal United States Public Health Service (USPHS or PHS)
Jan 11, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Of 143,400 people who met inclusion criteria, 15,316 (11%) filled an opioid prescription (Rx) within 14 days of surgery. Among that number, "persistent opioid use" (POU) occurred in 1,901 (12.4%) of people 30-180 days after surgery. What does this really mean? Thread. 🧵 Image It means that 12% of patients prescribed opioids following CEID did NOT develop "POU" as PROP claims.

Instead, 12.4% (1,901 people) of the original 11% (15,316 people) who FILLED an opioid Rx within 14 days of surgery developed "POU."
Dec 28, 2021 19 tweets 5 min read
ICYMI people in pain & PWUD have been harassed, endangered, and killed because of poorly designed drug policy. The ivory tower drug war perpetrated by the iron triangle of inept bureaucrats, interests, and Congress has now reached into healthcare targeting our most vulnerable.🧵 Some love to claim science can fix all our problems but in the case of drug prohibition, which now affects our sickest, those using low/no evidence "science" to justify such policies have already unleashed unprecedented harm on the American people and destroyed population health.
Dec 6, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
People with intractable pain are more likely to need LTOT. Things like CBT are NOT going to work and haven't worked for these people and most of them have already tried everything else. Why are we spending billions on research without acknowledging this monumental difference? 🧵 People don't understand that pain is a nuanced topic. There are people who haven't developed chronic pain yet, those with chronic pain at the beginning or middle of their journey, and then there are intractable pain patients. Why isn't research catching onto this?
Dec 5, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
NIH is allocating $270M additional funding for pain & opioid research. The researchers don't pocket this money. While I don't agree with research at the bedside without the knowledge/consent of patients & then using it to further restrict access, let's not spread misinformation. Bad things are happening, but let's keep things in perspective. Researchers do not pocket millions in grants. The money goes toward studies which then influence the practice of medicine. This is the detail we should be focusing on. Here is an image detailing the process: Image
Nov 23, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
In case you weren't aware that the purpose of the electronic health record (EHR) is to leverage patient data for research, check out what the NAM has to say about the learning health model in “Digital Infrastructure for the Learning Health System."🧵

nap.edu/catalog/12912/… "The ability to draw broadly from anywhere across the globe to provide relevant insights for health and healthcare improvement is a long-term goal for the learning health system."
Nov 15, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
On this day 8 years ago, my father died. By the end of his life, he was crippled and homeless, all because those who were supposed to help him wouldn't. When he asked his doctor to treat his pain, he told him "man up, I'm not prescribing you anything." 5 years later he was dead. He started using a legal drug to control his pain, alcohol. His health quickly declined even further. When his time came, he had to drink just to stave off death. He took Benadryl for an allergy attack and it interacted with the alcohol in his system.
Nov 15, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
What happened to the world? I had to leave the house today because I have a Western Union money order made out to me that my bank won't take via ATM anymore. Leaving my house is incredibly difficult after covid made my dysautonomia intractable & my pain levels aren't much better. First, I went to @HEB because the website and a customer service rep told us on the phone that they could cash it. I get there in my wheelchair, after quite a bit of effort and discomfort I might add, only to be told they can only cash a Western Union money order FROM HEB. 🙄
Sep 23, 2021 11 tweets 5 min read
Just got a chance to look more at this which is also from Appriss:

Data Driven Justice Incarceration Report - Identifying Super Utilizers with Incarceration and Prescription Monitoring Data


appriss.com/safety/wp-cont… If they take this down and anyone wants a copy, let me know. It's already in my repository.
Sep 22, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Welcome to the algocracy. The social credit system in the West is anything but "soft" and our healthcare system has a big role to play.


thehill.com/opinion/financ… "A parallel system is developing in the United States, in part as the result of Silicon Valley and technology-industry user policies, and in part by surveillance of social media activity by private companies."

Jul 23, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Ever wonder how eugenics gained hegemony in 20th century Germany? THIS is how. Over 100 million people in the US have 1 or more chronic illnesses. Amazing people think they have a right to shame others for deciding against a medical treatment. Also, Darwin was a eugenicist. "Eugenicists felt that they were able to justify prejudiced and immoral actions under Darwin’s theories (Wiker, 2000). The segregation, sterilization, and murder of various groups was justified by some as being done for the greater good of evolution..."

Jun 19, 2021 14 tweets 5 min read
"Many embedded research studies are granted a waiver of consent from patients, with the requirement that personal health information be protected from disclosure."

This means embedded pragmatic clinical trials (ePCTs) via NIH don't need patient consent.

rethinkingclinicaltrials.org/chapters/disse… There are NIH ePCTs taking place in regard to pain and (conflating) addiction. There is also medication sparing programs for post-operative patients and for chronic pain through the HEAL initiative.

Apr 3, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
This study could benefit people with #ChronicPain by helping round out the science for the safety/efficacy of LTOT. This could influence future research trajectories based on patient reports. See thread. Some raised concerns that we don't know what the results will be, but that's how science is supposed to work. If people knew what the results would be, there'd be no reason to study. Because millions have likely been force-tapered, this could contribute to an end to the practice.
Mar 29, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read
Kognito simulations "allows PCPs to learn through role-play conversations with emotionally responsive virtual patients how to build trust, collaborate on a treatment plan, and address the patient's request for antibiotics." Except for this pitch, it'd be simulations for #opioids. Also from LinkedIn: "Ron was the Co-Founder, CEO, and Chief Simulation Strategist of Kognito, a virtual human health simulation company acquired by Blackstone Private Equity."
Mar 28, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
.@MaaShealth This response to Pat Anson's request is telling. See thread.

static1.squarespace.com/static/54d50ce… "We located 1,449 pages of responsive records and two Excel workbooks (108 pages released in full; 103
pages disclosed in part; 1,238 pages withheld in full). After a careful review ... some information was withheld from release pursuant to 5 U.S.C. §552 Exemptions b5 and b6."
Feb 19, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read
You know what? I DID ALMOST DIE. Everything is NOT fine. I still cant get essentials for my family. I am still in shock and trying to process what we are STILL going through. Dont DM my FRIENDS to talk shit about me. More than just meds went wrong, EVERYTHING DID. #Austin I havent had much of a chance to write anything about it yet because I'm STILL IN THE MIDST OF AN EMERGENCY and I'm still processing all of this. I also havent taken charity so I dont see HOW you think you're entitled to tell me how I should or shouldnt respond.
Feb 6, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
Are we seeing a version of Milgram's experiment play out on patients because "experts," who never treat physical injuries or illnesses, told our government that it's almost never appropriate to relieve pain with medicine? Do we blindly follow "experts"?

Do we blindly follow them even when they provide absolutely no scientific evidence? All signs point to yes. We saw addiction psychiatrists with fringe views attempt to convince the FDA to implement dosage caps for medicines but they failed to provide evidence & were refused.
Feb 4, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Addiction Psychiatrist, A. Kolodny has repeatedly made this claim (and others which are just as outrageous), but hasn't provided evidence to support them. To continue naturalizing this claim with no evidence not only confuses the public, it is also patently false. See thread. To further prove my point, multiple studies had been done before these claims became part of the popular narrative, and after. When the evidence continually debunks a claim, it needs to stop being repeated ad infinitum, i.e., naturalized. Please stop normalizing this.
Feb 3, 2021 21 tweets 5 min read
You shouldn't seek to prove your hypotheses right. *If you're a scientist, you should only seek to prove them wrong.* This is widely accepted & has been naturalized long enough to be normative. So WHAT are we doing to pain patients?

#Science #EpistemicViolence

🔽 Thread 🔽 It appears a twisted form of methodological skepticism is being forced on us. #Patients are routinely told by psychologists, who don't treat physical diseases or injuries, that the psychologists' & drs' Cartesian doubt about a patients' subjective knowledge of their OWN ...
Apr 29, 2020 14 tweets 6 min read
.@austinenergy I have to hand it to you, once again. Now you're double billing me and claim you can't refund the money you took out of my account (without my permission) when RENT is due. You've taken over $600 from a disabled single mother that PAID her bill EARLY...

#COVID19 But my voluntary payment wasn't enough for your company, you took another $374 out of my account AFTER I paid you early and now refuse to refund it so I can pay my rent and have a couple hundred to LIVE ON for the next two weeks. Thank you for putting my living situation in peril