Robert Rutledge Profile picture
Associate Professor @McGillUPhysics. Astrophysicist. Founder, Publisher @astronomerstel. he/him
Nov 9, 2022 22 tweets 28 min read
This is a spreadsheet of Cook Report races which I made based on currently reported results (9am Wed).

+1= Dem Victory
-1=GOP Victory
+0.5= Dem winning
-0.5 = GOP winning

Based on this, right now, I think the Dems hold onto the US House.

#Election2022 Image Note especially: 3 (of 10 total) GOP "Toss up" seats have already been called for Democratic Victory.
#NC13 #OH01 #TX34.

On the Dem "Toss up" side, there's #VA02 which flipped Red. But that's it.
Nov 2, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Attorney General Barr is investigating the Mueller investigation.

President Trump has accused Schiff of breaking the law, in overseeing hearings on impeachment - a Constitutional process.

This is the criminalization, of law enforcement.

This is fascism. Realize: making the whistleblower's identity public is about unleashing "mob justice" and trauma on them, dissuading others - as was done to Christine Blasey Ford.

The GOP works, in this way, to traumatize its accusers.

This is fascism.…
Sep 13, 2019 11 tweets 10 min read
That @MIT President has not previously - in his 3 letters to the community on the Jeffrey Epstein fiasco - been able to divulge that he signed a thank you letter to Epstein for his donations to MIT, does not speak well to candor.… @MIT Even more awful, Reid Hoffman - LinkedIn founder - admitted to having fundraised from Epstein on behalf of Media Lab, up to 2015.

In 2017, Hoffman also funded the Disobedience Award at the @MediaLab which in 2018 went to leaders in #MeToo and #MeTooSTEM.
Aug 22, 2019 20 tweets 7 min read
With regards to Jeffrey Epstein and funding which flowed to MIT (full disclosure: my alma mater, PhD '96), this is interesting. It reminded me that physicists typically acknowledge funding sources in the text of papers they write. 1/n Acknowledging sources of funding documents those sources -- typically government agencies, and foundations. It's a transparency, which lets the journal know of any possible conflicts; and also is a source of feedback to the funding source, so they can measure impact. 2/n
Oct 9, 2018 20 tweets 11 min read
Turkish newspaper Sabah has passenger lists for the two planes HZ-SK1 and HZ-SK2 which arrived from Riyadh to Ankara on the day #JamalKhashoggi disappeared into the Saudi consulate: 9 on the first, 6 on the second, Saudi officials + intelligence officers.… Photograph of the HZ-SK2, taken in June 2018; this plane arrived in Istanbul at 3:13am on Oct 2nd, 10 hours before Khashoggi disappeared into the Saudi consulate. Pic from…
Jun 23, 2018 10 tweets 4 min read
Trump is not planning these concentration camps for immigrants caught at the border -- he's planning them for people arrested in their homes, schools, and places of work in an attempt to eject all people from the country who are here without a visa ("illegaly").

A thread. .@TIME reported Trump regime planning for 119,000 beds/spaces in these concentration camps.… How does that compare with the arrest rate at the border?

ht @monaeltahawy