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Sep 14th 2022
#UnitedWeStand, #DividedWeFall.

This is one of the truest of truisms, & why every civilisation we know of has fallen. It is why our own civilisation is on course to fall.

We are supposed to be united by shared "national identity", but this is clearly NOT the case.
In order to achieve genuine unity in securing our survival & well-being on this, our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth, we must first recognise & understand our enslavement to #BigBro & #TheMatrix of state & capital.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 12th 2020
Big thread:
I’m gonna warn everyone now. If you demand your employees to get Rona Vaxx you will lose good workers. If you demand customers get it, you will lose customers. If you demand state citizens get it, you will lose tax revenue. And you could face worse than that....
We’ve already given up wayyyy too much for this damn hoax.
Is there really a virus?
Yeah probably.
Is it life threatening?
Yeah if you’re old with other health issues.
Is it worth ruining people’s lives and incomes?
Everything should have been optional. But it wasn’t.
[They] had several goals in this attack. Don’t forget that the cabal is worldwide. China is just the strongest arm of [them] at the moment. We are all under [their] thumb. How much longer? When will we say “enough is enough”? When will they cross the “red line”?
Read 14 tweets

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