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Gandhian | Congress | @AIPCMaha | @UWCForYouth | @CongressSevadal
Aug 23, 2021 18 tweets 6 min read
Some fake news peddlers are the inspiration behind writing this thread for countering one-sided stories which are used to drive the Social Media narratives in their favor and hate others.

So here we go and burst their propaganda one-by-one.

#Thread 1984 Violence:

1984 Violence started on 3rd Nov 1984 in Delhi by some local people fighting and turned into violence.

But when it spread pan-India, RSS cadre was involved in that completely. 👇

Most violence happened in the Hindi Belt.

Jun 30, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
आज़ाद भारत का नक्शा👇

जम्मू-कश्मीर स्वतंत्र भारत का हिस्सा नहीं था। जम्मू-कश्मीर का विलय अक्टूबर 1947 में हुआ।
कश्मीर का विलय कुछ शर्तों में हुआ , जिसके लिए धारा 370 का प्रावधान बनाया गया।
इसमे कश्मीर को एक विशेष राज्य का दर्जा दिया गया।

पाकिस्तान अधिकृत कश्मीर (POK)
#Thread हरिसिंह का मानना था कि उनका समझौता ब्रिटिश के साथ था। ब्रिटिश के जाने के बाद वो ख़त्म हो गया और कश्मीर आज़ाद है।

15 अगस्त 1947 को गितलगीत स्काउट के मेजर ब्राउन ने वहां के लोकल कबीलो के साथ मिलकर पाकिस्तान का झंडा फहरा दिया।

Jun 30, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
BJP Govt is looting millions of honest #MSMES and destroying them with draconian #GabbarSinghTax. GST imposes heavy late fines and charge 18% on #GST amount.

Pandemic situation and Govt insensitivity collectively destroyed MSMEs.

#4YearsOfGabbarSinghTax #MSMES are the backbone of the country and employment generation engines. Millions of honest taxpayers MSMES are victims of GST.

Many genuine MSME lost their business in this Pandemic and GST hammered them further to wipe them out of the market.

Jun 13, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
#RamMandirScam is not new actually. Let's go back to 1990 when a brave IRS officer raised a question on irregularities in VHP funds.


Four summons, issued under existing Section 131 of the Act, to VHP office-bearers Ashok Singhal, V.H. Dalmia, Mahant Paramhans and Mahant Nrit Gopal Das, quashed within 24 hours.

Jun 11, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
The 3000 crore worth statue and 20,000 crore worth King's house are told as achievements of the king.The priests of the temple used to preach greatness of the king by preaching these as an achievement.

This is what the media is doing today.


#BJPLootingIndia We are truly living in medieval times. 👆

Petrol, diesel, LPG, groceries or any daily needs items are getting expensive day by day. Unemployment and poverty increased multifold. It is double trouble for people.


May 10, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Before you abuse @INCIndia and ask what it did for the nation to fight epidemic?

Remember your's, your children's and infact your parents' vaccination program was envisioned and executed by Congress in difficult times when we used to import the vaccines.

#Thread India is the most applauded country in the world for driving and executing large scale vaccination programs for their people free of cost.

India holds a 'World Records' of the highest number of people vaccinated by any country in a single day and over all.

May 5, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
All covid data is a bluff and govt is collecting this data to fool people and world

Here are some facts:
If you tested positive with covid and get recovered at home by yourself, you will be added in recovered list.

So Govt is taking credit of 'Atmanirbhar Recoveries'.

In other hand, if you need hospitalisation and other medical support. You will get it or not, that's one question.

But any person succumbed outside of hospital, are not considered as Covid Death.

Many person dying without hospital admission. This is a fact about cities.

May 3, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Remembering 2013/2014 SM Messages which supported fascism by sharing 'Cow-Milk' theory and many other messages where they tried to convince people that Govt can do better for people.

The propoganda for fascism had been spread systematically to establish fascism as an alternative Today we have witnessed that hunger for power and lust of winning a state election, made our PM leave his responsibility to handle corona crisis and he left people dying on roads.

The biggest support system here is media, which is utilised to cover up the failures.

Nov 29, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
आदित्य योगीनाथ जी ने हैदराबाद में उसका नाम बदलने की बात कही है।

बहुत पहले एक बार मोदी जी ने 2 शब्दों का इस्तेमाल किया था:

"नामदार और कामदार"

इतने सालों के BJP की सत्ता के बाद समझ आया की नामदार कौन है और कामदार कौन है???

जो कामदार थे, उनको नामदार कहते रहे।

1/n कुछ उदाहरण जहां नाम लूटने पहुँचे कांग्रेस के काम पर:

1. Covid की रिसर्च जिन कांग्रेस के बनाये संस्थानों में चल रही है, नाम लूटने पहुच गये है।

2. जिस वायु सेना को विश्व मे 4th स्थान की बनाने का काम कांग्रेस ने किया, उसमें 5 राफेल का 'मोदी है तो मुमकिन' चल रहा है।

Nov 27, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read

MODI GOVT is framing laws to enable capitalists to enter in the secotor.

They are not protecting farmers's rights and survival is the proof , this govt has sold the farming sector to capitalists.

They are leaving the Wolfs over the sheeps.
Can it be ever possible that poor farmers will be able to negotiate the price of their crops to big private players?

MSP is there to protect their livelihood and rights. 

But guess what!!!!!!

Private deals don't gaurantee MSP in legal terms.

Nov 2, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
India's emotions for Armed forces and nationalism has proved to be a milking cow for Modi.

The govt which has increased advertisement spending every year.

It has decreased the defence spending every year.

But PM Modi always took charge to ask for votes on Armed forces.

1/n Armed forces were never utilised before for petty politics of votes on the moral grounds.

As we are proceeding forward with the Modi Regime, slowly all the moralities in politics are fading.

National security always kept out of vote politics, is to keep unity in the nation.
Nov 2, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
भारत की पिछली सरकारों ने सेना का बजट हमेशा ऊपर रखा।

देश की सुरक्षा को सर्वोपरि रखते हुए, ये देश आज विश्व की चौथे नंबर की वायुसेना है।

पिछली सरकारों ने इस पर विज्ञापन नही किया, न ही राजनीति की।

राफेल आने से पहले किसी को ये पता तक नही था।

#GoBackModi अगर तथ्यों को देखें तो PM मोदी ने देश की सेना का बजट हर साल गिराते हुए, आज 1962 (1.5 %) से भी कम कर दिया ।
YEAR: % of GDP

2015: 1.82%
2016: 1.65%(-0.17%)
2017: 1.56%(-0.09%)
2018: 1.48%(-0.08)
2019: 1.45%(-0.03)

Oct 17, 2020 22 tweets 4 min read
अम्बानी और अडानी:

राहुल ने क्यों लिया अडानी अम्बानी का ही नाम ?

राहुल, नाम लेकर दो घरानों को गरिया रहे हैं। पर जैसा कि आप जानते है, 2014 के पहले ये लोग कोई ठेला लगाकर समोसे तो नही बेचते थे।

तो इनकी विकास गाथा में किसका कितना बड़ा हाथ है, जानना पड़ेगा।

1. अम्बानी विकास गाथा:

साठ के दशक में शुरू हुआ अम्बानी उद्योग कपड़े और पोलियस्टर के व्यापार में था। धीरूभाई के साथ एक और पार्टनर थे, जिसे पांच साल बाद हटा दिया था, उसका नाम किसी को याद नही। मुझे भी नही, याद है तो गुरु फ़िल्म के वो सीन जिसमे खाली खोखे से भी पैसे बनते थे.

Oct 12, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
The unplanned LOCKDOWN Story:

MODI Govt did huge blunder in ignoring the advices of Rahul Gandhi, when he tweeted (12 Feb) about the concerns over the Corona pandemic and shared a Haward University paper.

Modi govt was busy preparing to welcome Trump (24 Feb).

1/n The govt and it's ministers kept denying the continuous warning from @RahulGandhi . The Health Minister himself was ignoring the sane advice from Rahul Gandhi.

He went on criticizing whole Gandhi family and claimed "there is no need to panic"