Sergey Vasiliev Profile picture
International criminal law, international courts, transitional justice, rule of law | Professor of international law @OU_Nederland | highly obscure bands
Oct 8, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
🧵Here are further details about the criminal complaint filed today with the 🇳🇱prosecution service on account of 🇮🇱's hostile activities targeting the ICC Office of the Prosecutor's personnel in connection with the investigation in the State of 🇵🇸.

/1 The complaint was filed on behalf of 20 Palestinians most of whom reside in the West Bank (two 🇵🇸US citizens). It follows upon the allegations of harassment, intimidation, exerting pressure on, and slandering the staff of the ICC, including the OTP, publicised by @theguardian, /2
Oct 7, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵In its 23 September 2024 request for the order to require the issuance of an Art 18(1) notice, Israel has complained that the Prosecutor had failed to notify it of the scope of his investigation in the Situation in the State of Palestine, arguing that… a new or supplemental notice was required since the post-7/10 ICC-OTP investigation concerned a new situation and acquired the defining parameters diverging from those under the 2018 referral. Israel must have been allowed to exercise its right to request an Art 18(2) deferral.
Sep 2, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
This is NOT how an ICC suspect and fugitive from international justice should be received in a State Party to the @IntlCrimCourt. By failing to arrest #Putin, #Mongolia is violating the Rome Statute and its own legislation. Rule of law is in trouble in 🇲🇳.
Mongolia will have to answer for this violation before the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber, which may make a finding of non-compliance with the ICC's cooperation request and, moreover, refer the matter to the Assembly of States Parties. This will highly embarrassing for the 🇲🇳 government.
Mar 7, 2022 55 tweets 49 min read
The @CIJ_ICJ public hearings concerning the request for the indication of provisional measures in the Allegations of #Genocide Case (#Ukraine v #Russia) are about to begin.

#UkraineRussianWar #UkraineRussiaConflict #UkraineUnderAttaсk #aggression

Follow:… President J Donoghue opens the hearing and states her regret that #Russia has failed to appear at the hearing. The hearing was scheduled on short notice but it is quite remarkable, if unsurprising, that the respondent is absent.
Some ICJ judges are participating via video link.
Mar 6, 2022 10 tweets 7 min read
Today anti-war protests took place in major cities Russia. Participating in them has recently been criminalised. At least 2,502 persons were detained today and nearly 11,000 since the start of the war. The police (at times in plain clothing) have used disproportionate violence. The man being arrested in downtown Moscow is singing the Ukrainian anthem.