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Here for info! Kriya Yog.Animal❤.women centric startup for handmade yarn products.
Feb 2, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
@iamshinerk So, without going into too much details, which have been covered by the pink papers as usual. I will point out the things that I noticed.

1) This budget like all the ones before in Modi 1 and Modi 2 regimes have been a part of the broader vision. - (1/n) @iamshinerk The initial budgets were focused on broad based structural reforms that would lay the foundation, such as the JAM trinity.
This budget and the ones before it are more focused towards realising a futuristic India. -(2/n)
Apr 10, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
What is the contribution of abrahamics to the world?

Both Roman and Greek civilization were Pagan.They worshipped Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, Apollo.They made temples to worship them.Temples that we pay to see in Europe.Think colloseum.Think Delphi.Think Pagan. (1) Our planets are named after Roman Gods. Our calendar is Roman.

On winter solistice there was a feast to honor the God of death, Saturn. Now its called Christmas.

US calls itself a Christian country but all its public buildings sport Roman, think Pagan architecture. (2)
Apr 9, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
While folks are busy talking about the emotional aspects of #FreeHinduTemples I wrote this article in 2018 on temples and job creation: (1)… While I might not be qualified to comment on this, in my humble opinion #FreeHinduTemples can actually lead to a mini economic revolution of sorts, provided the government encourages them to use their excess funds to provide ancilliary services. (2)
Apr 2, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Since yesterday there has been plenty brouhaha on "resumption of trade between India and Pakistan ", many well meaning people are jumping and cursing the govt. Here's my two bit on how this will hasten Pakistan's economic collapse. (1) First of all this "resumption of trade" is an ambiguous term. We are as off now only planning to export to Pakistan. This means they will pay in their currency which is severely devalued compared to ours for our farm produce. (2)
Feb 2, 2021 20 tweets 6 min read
A couple of my friends here wanted me to elaborate on what I liked about this budget compared to other budgets in the past. So, here goes my understanding of why this budget is one-of-a-kind! (1) @iamshinerk @NetraDaoo Adversity is the mother of invention: We came to this budget on the back of crippling economic situation in wake of the pandemic. The immediate focus was therefore revival of the economy.
1) The budget announced the fiscal stimulus route of govt expenditure to fuel growth! (2)
May 5, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
A few days ago I penned a tweet on money flow, economic systems and how they collapsed in erstwhile U.S.S.R when it broke up.

Today I write on how we are facing a different predicament of "Demand Collapse" due to #COVID2019. (1/n) When such worldwide catastrophic events happen, people anticipate tectonic shifts in money flow and scared by that prospect they withdraw all their investments/spendings, in effect triggering a self-fulfilling cycle of events.(2/n)
May 1, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
Day before yesterday, I wrote a tweet thread explaining how economy/economic systems function and what happens when it fails.

Today I will write on a live example of what happens when an Economic System fails, for eg. U.S.S.R (1/n) On 26th December 1991, Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, remember there used to be a country called that, ceased to exist, The last president of Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev who had promised economic reform resigned to make way for Russian President Boris Yelstin. (2/n)
Apr 28, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Have been meaning to write on Money Flow, since it is difficult to comprehend. So, using hotel as an example, here goes:
A 300 room hotel on an average employes around 1000 people.

When one books a hotel room. A small %age of it immediately heads to govt as taxes. 1/n The balance is used by hotel to pay salaries, pay it's bills to reservation companies, to travel agencies, to electricity companies, to water supplier, to sellers of food and sellers of amenities.
In turn the suppliers, employees use the money to pay their own bills.2/n
Apr 7, 2020 14 tweets 5 min read
Have been meaning to write about Why India needs a homegrown, home owned E commerce behemoth, ever since CCI flagged Amazon, Flipkart for malpractices in January 2020.
So, here goes my two cents on Why, How GoI should go about creating this giant. (1/n) In January, Confederation of All India Traders with 6 crore members held protests against Amazon's Jeff Bezos.
In addition to this the Delhi Vyapar Mahasangh red flagged both Amazon and Walmart owned Flipkart to CCI for malpractices!… (2/n)
Mar 24, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
@narendramodi Dear Sir, while ur move is completely laudable, there has been no concrete announcements on how groceries, water etc are going to reach people stranded at home.

So after ur announcement people are out on streets at grocery stores and medicine stores. 1/n @narendramodi Furthermore reports are coming of BIG BASKET delivery guys being beaten up for delivering groceries.
Also streetlights are off creating unwarranted hazards for people scampering to buy groceries and medicine.
What if people were to fall into open manholes at such times. 2/n
Feb 1, 2020 19 tweets 8 min read
Getting a lot of angst from people on #Budget2020 specially with regards to the tax slabs. Professional whiners are at again!
As the first budget of a new decade, this one is sending a tax reform signal. GoI is simplifying the income tax slabs and by giving options, it is - (1) a) Sending a subtle message to increase consumption. Young tax payers joining the mainstream no longer need to buy an LIC policy or a mandatory investment in ELSS just to show exemptions. They can use the simplified income tax slabs and do away with mandatory savings for tax! (2)
Jan 14, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
A lot of confusion on SM, whether India's economy has or hasn't overtaken that of UK?
So, I did a bit of browsing and collated some information of my own and a lot of things became clear:

1) That India has overtaken UK economically! (1) 2) That India's economy with over take the German economy by the year 2025/26.
3) That it has overtaken UK and will be overtaking Germany with a nominal GDP growth rate of 10.25%
4) That a real GDP growth rate of 5%-6% will be enough to get a 10.25% nominal rate. (2)
Jan 10, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
About time I wrote something on #Bollywood . Had an uncle working in the mean streets of the industry, so got a good look.
Unlike other industries Bollywood is completely owned and run by financiers and sugar daddies. (1) Ever actor, artist, technician hoping to make it big had to pay homage to the sugar daddies who in turn would have links with financiers.
Once upon a time Subhash Ghai was big. So, was Mahesh Bhatt.
Now, it's the Akhtar family. (2)
Dec 28, 2019 7 tweets 4 min read
@nsitharaman @mygovindia Dear ma'am, now that all religious institutions are under the ambit of GST. Temples using funds to run Ayurveda colleges, Sanskrit universities, skill center must be exempted. This will ensure funds gets directed to re-skilling Indian workforce! @nsitharaman @mygovindia Also could govt please start addressing the unfinished home-inventory problems asap. Most of the home owners are falling in the gap between RERA and the reluctant builders. A lot of funds that could spike consumption is locked in unfinished inventory. (2)
Dec 18, 2019 10 tweets 4 min read
There is a lot of misinformation being deliberately peddled on SM about #CAA and #NRC. Thought I should atleast make an attempt to address those:
1) CAA is for religiously persecuted Pakistani/Bangladeshi/Afghani Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Parsis and Christians! 2) Muslims are not included, coz they are the majority and not minorities in these nation's. Including them would mean that we allow all Pakistanis (including terrorists) , Bangladeshi , Afghans in India. So, not possible by any stretch of imagination!
Dec 17, 2019 68 tweets 15 min read
A list of sundry "celebrities" who were providing overt and covert fire to #CAAProtests ! Have made a comprehensive list of their tweets. Take a good look India, at the people willing to exhort/sacrifice ur kids to fulfill their ambitions! Feel free to add more! (1) (2)
Sep 29, 2019 11 tweets 4 min read
Countering pappuon ka economist/congressi stand up comedians/idiots on stage, speaking about economy:

1) To all of us growing up in 90s the BOP crisis that India faced in 1990 was a time of great tumult. Over the years our fiscal profligacy..1/n had resulted in a Current Account Deficit and Balance of Payment Crisis: We had only 3 weeks worth of reserves left to meet foreign payments.
GoI then, hypothecated our Gold to get a bailout package. Our currency was allowed to devalue and our economy was opened.. 2/n
Sep 27, 2019 11 tweets 2 min read
After the brouhaha on Imm the Dimm. I decided to listen to the speech. Actually calling it a speech is being benevolent. It's at best a rant and at worst a wail. The salient points are as follows:
1) "UN should step in to stop Tax Haven's. There should be no tax Haven's..1/n Rich people take money out of poor countries such as ourselves. Now we don't have any money to pay our interests. This is coz the world has allowed tax Haven's to continue."

For his info UN cannot dictate economic models to individual countries. Countries have complete!2/n
Sep 11, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
Those who are anti high fines should realize that in US even celebrities are jailed for 2 if they are found Driving Under Influence (alcohol or drugs) #ChallanSpeedBreaker *2years.
Aug 31, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
This is particularly true when u compare the way Economy was handled by Vajpayee govt. The then govt is credited with unleashing the Telecom Revolution, Insurance Sector reforms and huge infrastructure development in less than 5 years. (1)
Such was the scale of reforms unleashed by the Vajpayee govt that the next 5 years were spent basking in the reflected glory of those reforms: The heydays of 10.3% growth rate, which led to a period of fiscal profligacy and runaway inflation under the UPA FMs.(2)
Jul 19, 2019 15 tweets 4 min read
A brilliant speech by a stellar minister detailing the innovative ways being adopted by his ministry. Some of which I will explain in detail:
via @YouTube In his speech @nitin_gadkari sir has mentioned the innovative ways in which his ministry is raising funds for infrastructure development:
During the UPA years the BOT (build, operate, transfer) method was in use where the private took over the project completely for a 15 year...