Jamie Chai Yun Liew @jcyliew.bsky.social (she/her) Profile picture
Find me @jcyliew.bsky.social 🦋 | ✍️ DANDELION & GHOST CITIZENS | professeur titulaire | Lawyer | Migration Conversations Podcast
Feb 25, 2022 20 tweets 11 min read
🧵 I'm seeing a lot of disturbing tweets and frankly false info on #refugee #law. First, let's be clear. There will be refugees from #Ukraine. We should all protect them. A refugee is a refugee. An imperial power has invaded. 2. I am a huge critic of the international and domestic protections afforded to all kinds of migrants. I'll be the first to critique a policy, #law, program when I see it unfairly excludes, labels, violates rights. This is not time to pit #refugee communities against each other.
Feb 23, 2021 24 tweets 12 min read
Starting new thread for the Respondents in #STCA #law case. Stellar legal team with submissions starting with Andrew Brouwer a seasoned #cdnimm #refugee lawyer. Oops, Jared Will will begin. Really enjoyed watching Jared in past cases for eg on #cdnimm #refugee #law #detention. Saw him live at #SCC on #Chhina case.
Feb 23, 2021 166 tweets 143 min read
In anticipation of the #STCA Safe Third Country Agreement Appeal starting, this is the decision under review at the Fed CA. Fed Ct fd STCA violated s 7 #Charter rights of ref claimants
I'll be tweeting intermittently with comments.
#refugees #cdnimm #law

decisions.fct-cf.gc.ca/fc-cf/decision… If ur curious, the #STCA Safe Third Country Agreement is still in force. The Fed CA refused to grant a stay to suspend the agreement till the appeal is resolved even tho arguable irreparable harm re Fed Ct fd #Charter violations
#refugees #cdnimm #law

Aug 12, 2019 11 tweets 11 min read
Prof Cairns Way and I are excited to share @uocommonlaw #CMLOrientation 2019 program here: commonlaw.uottawa.ca/en/students/or… We have a stellar line up! #AdvantageFTX 1/ Keynote speaker: Elder Peter Decontie from the Algonquin Nation, Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg w/ intro by Prof Aimee Craft #CMLOrientation @uocommonlaw #AdvantageFTX 2/