🌹 @Imogen@aus.social 🌹 Profile picture
#auspol #RaiseTheRate #FederalICACNow 👩‍💻 #Housing #FreeAssange #auspol #women💧CCJ/Law Turrbal Jagerra | @Imogen@aus.social | Shout me a coffee? link below.✊
Leesa Collis Profile picture David McDonald 🖤💛❤️ 💉x6 dmcd2324.bsky.social Profile picture 2 subscribed
May 8 • 27 tweets • 7 min read
Waiting for my first appointment at an employment services provider. They’re now seven minutes late for my appointment. I have just witnessed by overhearing what can only be described as an extremely condescending conversation. The client left and let the door close behind him. The guy that has been “condescending” to him got up and checked the door - insinuating he slammed it. Then took a few minutes to see the guy that can in after me. That guys first question to this ESP guy was “What do you want?”. Clearly his first appt here too. #auspol
Apr 29 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
Do people know that if you’re on Social Security payments for your survival in this economy that the only payment where you just meet requirements to qualify for it is #JobSeeker? Do people realise that the government is behind harming people deliberately? #auspol #WorkWanted I have been linked with a Workforce Australia Employment Services Provider. They make it clear that I must agree to what they ask of me to receive Centrelink income support payments. This isn’t #SocialSecurity this is #coercicecontrol. People need this payment to survive. #auspol Image
Apr 14, 2022 • 19 tweets • 11 min read
Pretty disappointed with how #TheBusiness portrayed me. I told a much larger story than this, and though it is well summed up with an angst around affordability that doesn’t go away, including rent, petrol, food, essentials (not mentioned) it was so much more than that. #auspol There was no mention of the #RoyMorgan #unemployment statistic of 8.5%, nor that the ABS figure of 4% is fanciful in not counting anyone as unemployed who works just one hour a week, or has weeks off having worked in the gig economy, or who is sick, injured, etc. #auspol
Jan 15, 2022 • 23 tweets • 14 min read
UPDATE: I was confirmed by text message received yesterday (15/1) from a PCR test taken on 11/1 to have #COVID19 I am now self-isolating at home until the 18/1 as per the seven day mandate to do so. However, I took a RAT test on 13/1 it was negative and worked yesterday. #auspol I received the official PCR result after finishing work yesterday at 4pm. I felt positively awful for relying on the #RAT test the has said I am negative now twice. I took another RAT test immediately after getting home yesterday. How can we rely on RATs if they contradict PCRs?
Aug 10, 2021 • 18 tweets • 10 min read
I called Centrelink yesterday to claim the disaster payment for lost work due to the 8 day lockdown in Qld. Apparently my account is locked. My AAT appeal is on 27.08 Friday week. I am busy preparing my brief of evidence for this. This is nasty. @Centrelink #auspol Apparently, even as someone no longer in receipt of JobSeeker, they are now refusing me disaster cover for loss of work. If this doesn’t send me the signal they’d like to see me homeless and starving and die I don’t know what does. What “right to #SocialSecurity? #auspol
Feb 13, 2021 • 31 tweets • 16 min read
This week sees my life and peace of mind, housing security and finances all messed with by the Department of Housing, Qld and the Department of Education, Skills and Employment - JSP’s oversight body. Social Housing screw up! & threats of loss of JobSeeker from anon body. #auspol I am so over this draconian system. Where is the recourse? I have an active on-foot complaint about Job Search Providers, unresolved - and some anonymous JSP sms’s me today, Saturday morning, saying I’m jeapardising my JobSeeker payment - they don’t say how. #auspol #RaiseTheRate
Dec 9, 2020 • 20 tweets • 13 min read
.@Senator_Patrick your voicemail at Parliament House now states your are being inundated with calls against the cashless debit card - and only invites messages from people on other issues. I left you a message anyway.

Don’t support the card! #auspol #RaiseTheRate #PovertyKills Fantastic!

If anyone else wants to call Senator @Senator_Patrick here is the number for Parliament House in Canberra. Just ask reception to be put through to his office. Ask him - his answering machine - NOT to support the card. #auspol #NoCDC
Nov 18, 2020 • 40 tweets • 15 min read
In just two weeks I have experienced contacts with the Department of Housing, Job Service Providers, the hotline for same with Dept of Education, Skills & Wmployment and Centrelink. All have taken hours of my time in calls & appointments with them that bring zero hope. #auspol For each one of these contacts, I am required to give my Centrelink Reference Number - I feel I no longer have a name, I am simply to be referred to as 123456789A nine numbers and one letter. After which all manner of other identifying details become relevant and required.
May 24, 2020 • 44 tweets • 29 min read
As interim Sec of AUWU Brisbane Branch, I notified a meeting to elect executive tomorrow 5pm, Mon 25/5.

This was done with full cooperation of AUWU management.
I have since been locked out of my AUWU email address.

Please resolve this
so I can chair this meeting. @ShiannonC @equanimity500 @JeremyPoxon @jezheywood @NigelOglethorpe @TurDering @suzanne_cass @davrosz @RonniSalt @deniseshrivell @Michz45 @prudinx @LadyPoop2 @ItsBouquet @MondayIdas @SenatorSiewert @Anne_Ruston @ACOSS @PasForg @cassandragoldie @TraceySmallwoo5 @democracydemon1