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Data-led visual stories for social justice. Don't miss our next release:
Sep 2, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Photo 🧵 1/👇Some facts about the #cyber company NSO Group: the maker of #PegasusSpyware, from the research for our latest visual in partnership with @alhaq_org, @BisanResearch, and #MindTheGap Consortium. 2/NSO Group and #PegasusSpyware continued...
Aug 31, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
1/4آخر منشور لنا بالتعاون مع @alhaq_org و @BisanResearch و مجموعة #MindTheGap تشرح كيف أن التقنيات التي تدعم الفصل العنصري الإسرائيلي تنتشر مثل أثر الفراشة إلى الخارج لتؤثر على المجتمعات على بعد آلاف الكيلومترات عن فلسطين. Image 2/4 مكّنت هياكل الاستعمار الاستيطاني الإسرائيلي والاحتلال العسكري والفصل العنصري إسرائيل من بناء واحدة من أكبر #الصناعات_السيبرانية في العالم.
Jan 13, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
1/ THREAD on environmental injustice in Palestine
Palestinians live in an area warming faster than the global avg. under a system of apartheid, making Palestine a vivid example of the unequal distribution of climate change risks. View the full series: 2 / Yesterday, we saw Israeli forces launch a militarized response to Palestinian Bedouins protesting a Jewish National Fund afforestation project that forces them off their land. This is the latest example of Israel's green colonialism. View full series:
Jun 30, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
1/ We selected 6 visuals from our Visualizing Palestine 101 series that we feel are especially relevant right now, in light of Israel's annexation plan. Image 2/ Since 1967, Israel has been advancing a policy of de facto “creeping” annexation in the West Bank. Image
Sep 30, 2019 11 tweets 15 min read
Last week we launched Visualizing Palestine 101 (#VP101), a new educational resource on #Palestine #Israel. Over the next 5 weeks we will be posting one new VP101 #infographic per day. 1/25 #VP101 Settler Colonialism is Still a Reality—Some of the territories subjected to #SettlerColonial projects from the 15th century up to the present day, particularly in the #Americas, southern #Africa and the #Pacific region.…