Chad Calease Profile picture
he|him|hey you, parent, partner, ludic, grateful for many gifts. Mom said, “There’s always one weirdo on every bus,” but I can never find em. InfoSec @krakenfx
Sep 14, 2019 15 tweets 11 min read
I don't usually pin tweets. Certainly not personal ones.
But this one is pinned and it's personal because #Neurodiversity is a real thing in my life and probably yours, too, whether you know it or not.
I'm talking generally now about #ActuallyAutistic #ADD #ADHD + so many others. This is a thread, a single story only, about one person's relationship with #Neurodiversity

I did a thing I don't usually do. I talked about my personal relationship with it at a thing. I didn't plan it. As many life-changing things tend to do --> it just happened.
