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Jun 1st 2023
pinoy copy pasta; a thread —
It’s me😡🤔🙄and😘🥰🤤my jowa💍🥳😱wah😂😱👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩uuwi na sya🥺🥺😄uuwi na sha😘🥳💘wah😄💍💘maghahanap ng iba💕🤤😊maghahanap ng ib-💓💓 */ tinakpan bibig */ niyakap ( tumugtog ung coz you are the one the only thing 🥺💓💓 ) (740)

mag iingat po tayo sa pagbili ng mga low quality na christmas light this year, may mga tao po ksi na bigla nalang magbibigay ng liwanag sa buhay natin tapos bigla rin mawawala.
Read 33 tweets
Mar 30th 2023
@teaze_r @RedactedMom 1-) hEDS can not be detected w/ a genetic test. My child has an EDS gene in which I am positive that I am the one who passed it down. However they dismissed that gene mutation as a Variation of Unknown Significance, (VUS).
However scientists appear to be way ahead of that...
@teaze_r @RedactedMom 2-) ...geneticist because when I looked it up, having 1 copy of that mutated gene CAN cause problems. The mutation that I am talking about is a mutation in the COL12a1 gene.…
@teaze_r @RedactedMom 3-)... My 1st sign of having this mutation was Clinical Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. My 2nd sign was Plantar Facitus, however at the time that I started having those problems I didn't recognize either problem as being a part of something as a whole. The next sign that I can think...
Read 21 tweets
Jan 20th 2023
"When we (@Metabolic_Mind) mention mental illness we're referring to severe
#depression #bipolar disorder or
#schizophrenia. But everything we say also may have applied to #ADD #OCD #anxiety moderate depression, #PTSD and more." (1/12)
@Metabolic_Mind I have seen it SIGNIFICANTLY improve or lead to remission in literally all of these disorders in my private practice and via my online Brain Fog Recovery Program. (2/12) #therapists #counselors #mentalhealthcounselor
@Metabolic_Mind It's ok to have hope that you can feel better. When you are suffering from any of these disorders, hope is a little scary. You don't want to be disappointed. Sometimes it's easier to practice acceptance of how you are feeling. (3/12) #hope #spoons #chronicillness
Read 12 tweets
Aug 27th 2022
Recently I learned, #Right Issue by a listed company can be a great opportunity for an investor to make quick & decent money. While I will try to explain the process and risks of applying in a Right Issue, let us first look at the result of the few right issues applied by me. 1/n
#Aurum PropTech Ltd 3/n
Read 20 tweets
Apr 15th 2021

✓ Muslims with eating disorders that get triggered during #Ramadan, who feel obligated to explain why they’re not fasting to nosey aunties.
#Muslims on psych meds who can’t fast because without medication they can’t function, who feel uncomfortable explaining this to everyone who asks why they aren’t fasting.
✓ Muslims with #ADD who struggle to perform Salah, Taraweeh, read Qur'an, etc.
✓ Muslims with depression who sometimes find it hard to get out of bed and do the obligatory prayers or go to Masjid.

✓ Muslims with #Bipolar who find Islamic obligations easy on some days and impossible on others, who are seen as flaky or flip-floppy about faith.
Read 12 tweets
Jun 29th 2020
Surely every serious national security strategist understands the distinction btwn Govts Geopolitical decisions and th military's detailed scenario planning & action program. A govt can decided on basis of expected value of outcome or worst case scenarios-the latter is paralyzing
2/ns The critical issue in China-India conflict is that,as of now (2020), #China controls the #escalatory ladder. So India's #National #Security Apparatus has to make assumptions about when and how #CCPpla will escalate, if it loses the first few steps on its escalatory ladder!
3/ns The worst case scenario for us is therefore the one in which after loosing previous escalations, #CCP China escalates to a full fledged war/attack on India, by shifting US-facing troops and highest quality equipment towards India. This has proved paralyzing for past Govts!🤔
Read 69 tweets
Nov 24th 2019
This is my son. I’m very proud of him. He has ADD, and a severe stutter. He hasn’t stuttered in a month. He has been misjudged by his teachers and school. I, myself, slip on my words and “YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN” is a common Dad-ism here. This is very personal for me. When I do it,
We blame it on my ditsy mind or my part polish family inside joke of a Polish 🇵🇱 stereotype of being absent minded. “Pick up the linkin life”, “the wood thingies”. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. When he does it, though, they treat him like he’s slow. For two years he had his karate belt..
The white “participation” belt, taken away because he couldn’t sit still when NOT being given an instruction. From 7-8 years old his school’s karate program deprived him of his basic participation white belt not for not learning the teachings, but for forgetting in between
Read 17 tweets
Sep 14th 2019
I don't usually pin tweets. Certainly not personal ones.
But this one is pinned and it's personal because #Neurodiversity is a real thing in my life and probably yours, too, whether you know it or not.
I'm talking generally now about #ActuallyAutistic #ADD #ADHD + so many others.
This is a thread, a single story only, about one person's relationship with #Neurodiversity

I did a thing I don't usually do. I talked about my personal relationship with it at a thing. I didn't plan it. As many life-changing things tend to do --> it just happened.

Before we go too far tho it's very important we establish that this is only a single story. There are many voices that need to be heard.

Read 15 tweets

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