William Hurst Profile picture
Chong Hua Professor of Chinese Development @CambridgeFames @Cambridge_Uni Deputy Director @CamGeopolitics Fellow @WolfsonCam
May 3 26 tweets 4 min read
I’ve been studying various aspects of social movements and contentious politics for almost 30 years.

At one point, I taught a class comparing & analysing forms of student protest/campus activism.

Here’s a brief thread on making sense of what’s going on across US campuses:

1/26 Without taking any normative position, I find several facets of the recent protests interesting. Let me highlight three of them:

1) claims, targets, and framing

2) responses and repression

3) diffusion and protest cycles

Aug 21, 2023 25 tweets 4 min read
Along with most other scholars of my generation, I've been studying political #economy in #China for more than 25 years.

What's happening there is not so simple as 'party's over'.

For a little context and analysis, here is a brief 🧵:

#Politics @CamGeopolitics @NCUSCR China experienced rapid economic growth in the 1980s, but with declining government revenue, high inflation, and significant political/social upheaval.
Growth was driven mainly by expansion of non-plan activities ('growing out of the plan').
All this changed in 1994.

Dec 10, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
#Indonesia’s new criminal code is absolutely illiberal, but it is not anti-legal. It serves the interests of some #elites, but not others.

So, how do we best parse its impact on #law, #politics, or #society?

A short 🧵based on ideas from:

1/13 Fundamentally, it pushes Indonesia’s criminal law system toward what I call a mobilizational legal regime, and away from being more of a ’rule by law’ order.

This is due to a reason many might find counter-intuitive: it’s actually empowering previously excluded groups.

Nov 27, 2022 24 tweets 8 min read
I've been studying various aspects of #protest & contentious #politics in #China for 25 years.

What's happening now is novel, interesting, & potentially quite important. But we need to be careful about drawing conclusions or making predictions. A🧵:
@CamGeopolitics @NCUSCR Since 1989, we've seen 5 main strands/repertoires of contention in China:

1) labour protest
2) rural protest
3) student protest
4) urban governance protest
5) systematic political dissent

Each of these has usually been disaggregated locally and separated from the others.
